Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Spinach leaves, rinsed and drips off. Mushrooms cut into thin slices and onto with lemon juice. Bacon cut into thin strips. 2 tbsp oil heated in a frying pan. In this roasted bacon strips and added to draining. Liver flushed and FRY in bacon grease 3 minutes o

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Leeks, onions and carrots cleaned and cut into slices. Celery/parsnip/parsley root peeled and cut into cubes. Salsify roots peeled off (immediately before use, otherwise they must be laid in vinegar water and rinsed before use) and cut into 2 cm long pieces. L

Salads Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Lamb meat is rinsed and cut into approximately ½ cm thick slices. The garlic is squeezed and mixed with salt and pepper. Cut the unpeeled aubergines into 2 cm cubes and mixed with salt, pulling in 10 minutes. A cross-cut into the top of the tomatoes as quickly

Salads Noodles Pepper Salt ...

Rinse and dry duck breasts. Stir in honey with salt and pepper and brush it on the duck breasts. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and Brown the duck breasts in 2 min. on each side. Put them on a wire rack and bake them in the oven at 200 degrees for 8 min. wr

Salads Whipped cream Wine vinegar Onion ...

Put the beans to soak overnight and boil them until tender, covered, about 1 hour, with all the spices added, the water is poured away and the beans are cool. Chop the onion and mix the vegetables and mangold with the cooked white beans and the contents of a c

Mains EVS. butter for frying Nutmeg Pepper ...

Cook until potatoes are almost tender in salted water. Take half of the rest on to Boil them up. they are very tender. Drain and mash them. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, you took from on ca. 0, 5x0, 5 cm. Chop the onion and garlic finely. Saute onions,

Salads Pepper Salt Onion ...

Steam salmon. Boil the potatoes, let them cool off and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Cook the beans in well salted water, so there is still a little bite into them Rinse them well under cold water. Whisk the dressing together. Pull the skin of the steame

Salads Cayenne pepper Parsley Salt ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan and saute the onion and garlic. Add water, ham, salt, cayenne pepper and bring to the boil. Add rice and bring to the boil again. Turn down the heat and let it cook for 15-20 minutes until the rice is tender. Mix olive oil, vinega