Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Virgin olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Oil, Basil and shrimps mixed together. Who cut a large Pocket into chicken breasts. Shrimp stuffing is distributed in pockets. The pockets closed with a toothpick or kødpind. Heat a little oil in a frying pan. Chicken breasts Brown and FRY for about 4 minut

Mains Salt Tomato puree Onion ...

Cream cheese, mustard and pepper stir together in a bowl. The meat is tapped out for flat patties. Cream cheese be smeared out in an even layer on top of the steaks. Bacon is allocated above. The steaks are rolled together and fastened with a kødnål or toothpi

Sides Basil Celery salt Minced parsley ...

Cut a lid of the tomatoes and gap them gently apart. Grate the onions and mix them with a Quark, celery, parsley and spices. Put the mass in the hollowed-out tomatoes. Set them on a greased baking dish and style it in a 250-degree oven to warm the tomatoes is

Mains Bread Pepper Salt ...

The peppers are cooked in 2 min., after which they shared on along and frøstolene are removed. Cook the rice as indicated on the packaging and drainage in a sieve. Chop the onion and garlic, Sun-dried tomatoes into strips and cut the mushrooms into slices. Sau

Sides Chili Pepper Salt ...

Tomatoes blanched and skinned by the skin. Onion cut into coarse cubes and sauté in oil until tender, without taking colour. Vinegar is added and it boils into a quarter. Tomatoes into coarse cubes granted together with peeled apples cut into cubes. Boil to

Pickling White pepper Onion Horseradish ...

Water and salt to boil up and allow to cool. Squashen sliced and cut into 1 cm wide pieces. The brine is poured over, and it is overnight. Wipe and put into the glass. Horseradish cut into slices, mix the vinegar, sugar and white pepper and cook it up the pepp

Soups Chopped dill Pepper Salt ...

Slice eel in 3-4 cm long pieces. Cook it up in 1 liter of water with 1 tbsp. salt. Cream thoroughly. Drag the Pan aside. Peel and slice the fennel, carrot and onion into pieces under reasonable taking into account the size of the soup spoon. Sauté the herbs

Mains Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper Salt ...

The rice is boiled in salt water 10 minutes, sieve and cool. Rice stirred together with butter, saffron, parmesan and eggs. Made cold. Kyllingeleveren cleaned and cut into fine cubes. Onion and garlic peeled and cut into fine cubes. The oil heats and sauté oni