Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Dough: Stir comings out in lukewarm water and knead the other ingredients in. Knead the dough approx. 10 minutes (5 minutes by machine) and let it raise to double the size of approximately 1 hour. Share it in two pieces, knead them into balls and roll them wit

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Dough: Stir comings out in lukewarm water and knead the other ingredients in. Knead the dough approx. 10 minutes (5 minutes by machine) and let it raise to double the size of approximately 1 hour. Share it in two pieces, knead them into balls and roll them wit

Mains A bit of wheat flour to sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fill a pot halfway with water and add a lemon, cut in half, 1 bay leaf, vinegar and a little salt. Cut the stems of the artichokes. Starting from the base of the Artichoke and cut with a vegetable knife all the leaves away and then remove the artichoke bear

Mains Lemon juice Smooth-leaved parsley Onion ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices Arrow onion and cut it into cubes. Clean the mushrooms, cut them into slices and drizzle with lemon juice. Chop the parsley coarsely and mix it with the breadcrumbs and the grated cheese. Put potato and mushroom slice

Soups Parmesan flakes for serving Dried thyme Vegetable broth ...

Chop the Aubergine. To remove the Eggplant pieces in mind-wondering taste added a strainer, and they sprinkled liberally with salt. Set aside in my 20-30. and then rinsed thoroughly, and then blot with paper towels. Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the o

Mains Nutmeg. whole Green bell pepper Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Heat oven up to 200 deg c. alm. oven. Cut the Eggplant and potatoes into thin slices. Com potato slices in a saucepan of boiling water, add salt. Put eggplant in a colander or sieve over the pot with potatoes. Put lid on and cook potatoes in 8 minutes. Put

Cold cuts Fresh herb for garnish Mixed peppercorns crushed Fintsnittet garlic ...

Beef shank is made free from the bone, fat and cartilage and tendons and cut in large dice. Heat the oil in a saucepan and Brown the meat on all sides over high heat. Take the meat up with a slotted spoon and it came in a heat-proof casserole dish with lid. St

Lunch Sweet or hot chilli-powder aftertaste Dill Coarsely chopped tomatoes ...

Take a short on fixed dish as you will be aware that putting on the drill. Cut the cheese (yellow cheese) up in long pieces and place them in the bottom so there is room for feta in the middle. All the other things came in and set it in the middle of on 200 de