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Recipes with Lemon juice thereof

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Water brislerne out in a large bowl of faintly running water 10-15 minutes. Rub brislerne free from blood residue. Com brislerne in a pot and cover them with cold water with salt and lemon juice. Cook on a low heat, covered, brislerne 10-15 minutes. Roof

Mains Dill Carrot Bay leaf ...

Came the meat in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and foam. Add the herbs and some salt and let the meat Cook for low heat to it loosens from the leg cooking time can vary from 1 to 2 hours. Take meat and herbs up. Boil potatoes until tender i

Mains Coarse salt Herb butter (butter m. parsley Basil) Milk ...

Forellerne cleaned and head and tail cut off. Kryddersmørret be put inside the fish and they rubbed on the surface with coarse salt. Forellerne placed in a dish and white wine and lemon juice is poured in. The dish covered with tinfoil and forellerne be made i

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Lemon juice thereof Freshly brewed tea ...

Cool teen for several hours in the refrigerator. Add lemon juice and sugar and stir the sugar is dissolved. Server the drink in cold glass with ice cubes.

Drinks (cold) Orange juice thereof Lemon juice thereof Sugar ...

Peel and slice the apples into cubes. Fill Orange and lemon juice, Apple cubes and sugar in a blender. Blend until the apples are pureed. Add the yoghurt and blend again approx. 5 seconds.

Appetizers Freshly painted black pepper Lemon juice thereof Garlic pressed ...

Mix the olives, sardeller, capers, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and pepper in a blender. You can also use mortar or grøntsagskværn, but it goes faster with a blender. A few seconds at high speed is enough to make the mixture smooth. Add more oil if necess

Lunch (to go) Bay leaves Oil Pepper ...

Wash the vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Got them in a pan with about 3 l. water. Add the seasoning and bring to the boil. When the water boils, add the meat. Let it simmer for about an hour and 40 minutes. The pot is taken by the heat and cool

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice thereof Honnigmelon Oil ...

Remote partitions and seeds from Chili's, and chop them roughly. Peel and remove seeds and melon papayer. Papayerne now in long rods and melon cut into cubes. heat oil in wok and fry the Chili's 1 min, add papayaer and melon and cook 2 min. and pull it up. pou