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Recipes with Finhakket onions

Soups 1 tsp. crushed caraway Salt Potatoes cut in small cubes ...

Cut the meat into cubes and Brown it in fat on all sides. Take it up with a slotted spoon. Add the chopped onion and let them sear until golden. Add the paprika, and let it simmer for a little before meat, tomato puree, finhakket peppers, salt, caraway and

Mains Olive oil Paprika powder Pepper ...

Dry koteletterne and brown them on both sides. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Pour broth over and la them tingle to tender. Roof koteletterne up and keep warm. Pour finhakket onions in the cloud, along with wheat flour which is touched out in red wine or water

Mains 0.5 TSP dried tarragon 2 lovage leaves or selleritop Freshly ground pepper ...

'S yellow onions and grate it on a cheese grater on the delicate side. Stir in the minced meat with salt, to the forcemeat is tough (approx. 1 min). Add the onion, pepper, egg and stir it together. Stir the milk in little by little. Stir flour in the style of