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Recipes with Cucumber

Mains Cream 13% Coarse salt Vegetables ...

Dip the chicken well and fill it with rinsed parsley and season with salt and pepper. Melt the butter and make it light brown in a frying pan and brown the chicken really well on all sides. Moisten the heat and pour water at. It should only stand up about t

Appetizers A handful of fresh basil leaves Low-fat dressing of your choice Rice paper ...

Cut the chicken into strips and put it on the forehead. You may make a marinade or add the spices you like best. While the chicken roast, cut the remaining pieces into strips and the salad leaves are cleaned. Lay the different things on each of their pla

Mains Oil for basting with Yakitori sauce Mirin ...

Salted Cucumbers: Peel the cucumber and tear it down. Rub salt on the whole overflow and let it marinate for at least half an hour and just a few hours. Cut the cucumber into 0.5 cm slices. Put the wood splashes in water. Turn on a barbecue or warm a barbe

Mains Bouillion Lemon juice Cucumber ...

1. Boil the bean spoon in broth as indicated on the package and cool. 2. Cut the pears, cut the cucumber into small cubes and cherry tomatoes in both. Half the advocado, cut it into small cubes and sprinkle lemon juice over. Chop pies. 3. Turn the boil

Salads A little dried oregano Salt Cucumber ...

Peel the cucumber and cut it into big tern. Cut the tomatoes in the printer and arrange them on a small dish. Distribute the cucumbers. Cut the slice into thin plates, place them over the tomatoes or sprinkle with salt and possibly. Slightly dried orgango.

Salads Cucumber Bacon Basilkum pesto ...

Boil the pasta and let it cool down. Cut chicken breast into strips and put them on a pan with oil and bake the bacon. Cut the cucumber in the tern and tomatoes in both. Put the pasta in a bowl and stir the pesto in the pasta. Bring cucumber, tomato, olive

Lunch Cucumber Curry Pepper ...

Stir the dressing and taste with salt, pepper, curry. Chop the eggs and mix them in. Mix the potatoes with a little chives. tips: If you want low fat, you can replace mayonnaise with light and yarn with yolks. I often do that myself.

Mains Radish Cucumber Curry ...

Take a bowl and mix the cream fraiche with all the spices. The arrow slices and slices it into smaller pieces and pass it through the parsley shaker. Cut the potatoes into small pieces and mix them. Pour it all gently together. Wash the tomatoes and cut