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Recipes with Cucumber

Sides Cucumber Vinegar Sugar ...

The cucumber is cut with a knife on a cutting board. Nothing with multimedians, there should be a difference in thickness. The cucumber slices are spread on the cutting board and salt is sprinkled. Sugar and water are heated for one minute in the microwave or

Mains Minced parsley Olive at will Pepper ...

Cut the potatoes into suitable pieces and turn them into a marinade of olive oil, garlic, white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Cut red and spring onions in fine slices. Peel the cucumber, chop it lengthwise, scrape the kernels or cut it into slices. Blsnd the

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Sprinkle the salmon fillets with lemon juice, bowl, salt and pepper and let them pull in the fridge for 30 minutes. Whip yogurt, lemon juice, half of the chopped dill and come together and taste with salt and pepper. Cut the cabbage, peel the cucumber and sp

Salads Salt Lumpfish ROE Cucumber ...

dressing: Cut the cucumber and red onions into small terns. Mix it with cremefraichen. Add lemon juice from half a lemon and season with salt. Let it stand for a few hours. Spice the spinach into a dish on the dish. Then cut the avocados into thin slices a

Mains Watercress for garnish (optional) Freshly ground pepper Olive oil for frying ...

Carrot Steaks: Boil the potatoes and tear the carrot on the fine side of the roast chicken. Chop onions and garlic very well. Mash the potatoes well and mix them with all the other ingredients into a solid. Fry it to fry panels and pour them golden on a slip-

Mains Pepper Salt Iceberg, lettuce ...

Brown the meat on a dry pan, add the spice mixture and a little water and simmer under low heat for approx. 10-15 minutes. The vegetables are cleaned and prepared in each dish. Servers with hot pita bread. tips: Seasoning 1: 4 tsp. Shawam spice, 1 t

Drinks (cold) Cucumber Honeydew melon Lemon juice ...

Cut the peel off the melon and scrape the kernels. Cut the flour in the tern. Wash the cucumber and cut it into the tern. Blend melon and cucumber with yogurt and 3-4 mint leaves. Taste with sugar and lemon juice and adjust the thickness with a little cold

Salads Pepper Chives Salt ...

Scrub the potatoes and boil them for 12-15 min. Till they are tender. Cool the potatoes. Brush the chicken breasts with a little oil and grill them on a frying pan until the meat is cooked. Sprinkle with salt. Cut the cucumber into small tern and tomatoes in