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Recipes with Breadcrumbs

Mains (600 g. cooked pasta is equivalent to 300 g. dry pasta) Olive oil (a little Browning of bacon) Pepper ...

how to do it • The bacon is crispy in the oil on a pan. • Pour the oil and grease bacon into a large bowl. • Pasta cooked according to the description on the packaging. Pour into the same bowl as the bacon. • Boil the whipped cream to boiling point (do not

Cold cuts Chili Pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are boiled until they are tender. The remaining ingredients blend together with the vegetables in a blender. The egg yolk is lubricated with olive oil, the dough is poured in and Sprinkle with rasp on top. Bake at 170-180 ° C for approx. 4

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cubes in 1 dl. water ...

Tear the bell celery. Blinds mushrooms and nuts well. If necessary, chop about 1/3 of the nuts a little coarser. Mix the celery with mushrooms and nuts and add the chopped onions. Then mix the 3 eggs in. The broth and raspberries are now mixed in the pulp, t

Mains Bacon slices to the upstairs Cilantro to taste Milk as needed ...

Stir all the ingredients of the dough together, stir anyway. In the stirrer, please put on a refrigerator for one hour. Form the dad and put it in a refractory dish, put the bacon slices on. And pour some water on. In the oven approx. 45 minutes at 200 deg

Mains Fresh chilimix as needed Pepper Parsley ...

Mix the chicken phase with the following ingredients: onion, onion, garlic, egg, salt, pepper, chilimix, parsley, rasp, flour and milk. Let the dad drag for an hour, like longer. Grease a fireproof dish in a suitable size and then lay the bay leaves divided

Sides Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Stir the meat with salt, pepper and egg. Add rasp. Add broth gradually. Form the dad to a loaf and put the bacon over, in an ovenproof dish for one hour at 200oC hot air oven

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Tear the 2 onions or put them in a blender, Put the grated onion in a bowl Add 3 eggs eaten, Add 1 dl. water, Put the dough into the mixture and add salt and pepper. Stir the dough together and then add the rasp until the daddy is lame and firm. The fath

Sides Eggs Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Onions are cut into slices and the largest rings are used. Make rings first in eggs, then in rasp, back in egg and then in rasp. They are frying until golden brown, put on greasy paper and salted. Served and eaten immediately.