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Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

First, coarse in the vegetables, to be fry in a little oil, enough to not dry. When the onions are shiny, add the liver which is roasted with vegetables for approx. 15 min. When the liver is well browned (grilled :-) adds to the red wine. Let the dish simme

Cold cuts Small sprig Rosemary Small sprig Sage Large sprig thyme ...

Put the meat in a pan with all the spices. The loop is cut first in quarters. Get water so it covers. Let it simmer by the weakest heat until it is tender after approx. 1½ hours. Turn the meat along as it may stick to the bottom of the pan. Say the soup a

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Beef cut into very big tern. Stir in olive oil until it is well brown, season with salt and pepper. Add red wine, to be cooked almost completely, then vinegar and bouillion will last for a few minutes. The mixture is poured into frying pan or refractory dish.

Mains Bacon or lard in slices Suit Bay leaves ...

First polish the thin tongue and cut into thin slices. Then chop the onions nicely and mix with plenty of salt and pepper. The meat slices are squeezed flat and seasoned with the onion mixture. A slice of bacon or spoon is laid over and the meat disc is

Mains Flutes Pepper Salt ...

Onions are cooked in the magarine until they are ready Add the chopped meat until it has split add curry salt, pepper and let it sweat a little. Add coarse chopped mushrooms and peppers cut into small tern and rasp, pour the mixture into a greased refractory

Sides Salt Cinnamon Kardemommme-bolls ...

Let the rice soak in the water for 20 minutes. In the saucepan. Turn on the fire and let them boil for hot heat with the spices for 5 minutes. Pour the water from (the spices sort yourself). tips: Served for Indian food, such as Tikka Masala chicken.

Mains Brown sugar Flütes Frozen peas ...

Cook the chicken tenderloin in the water with 1 broth of cube and bay leaves. Put the chicken to cool and leave greasy from the water. Pick the chicken into small pieces. Sweat curry in a little margarine and add the liquid from the chicken. Smooth with maizen

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Dip your legs dry with kitchen roll and spice them with salt and pepper. Brown the legs a few at a time on all sides in a saucepan. Spread flour and turn the legs until they have soaked the flour. Pour broth over and bring laurel leaves and simmer under low