Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Olive oil Tomato puree Squash ...

Peel eggplant / squash, cut into the tern and grate in olive oil. Add tomato, puree, pepper and garlic. Season with salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Cook asparagus potatoes, pil them and shake them off in a little butter and then sprinkle with nut

Mains Cajunkrydderi Pepper Salt ...

Place the dried beans in plenty of cold water for 10-12 hours in the refrigerator - each kind of separately. Boil them in two pots with fresh cold water, garlic sauce, half onion, 1 bay leaves in each pot and salt. Let them boil until they are tender - appr

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

The beans are soaked in ample water overnight (at least 12 hours). The soaked water is poured out, and the beans are boiled in leavened water, again abundantly until they are barely tender - every kind of one. Rinse thoroughly in cold water The onions

Mains EVS. fresh coriander or parsley Pepper Salt ...

Kalkunkøden is browned on a slice-light pan in 1 tbsp. Oil and season with salt and pepper. The meat is taken from the heat. Onion, garlic and chilli are chopped well and chopped in the rest of the oil in a saucepan. Pepper and leaf celery are cut into the

Mains Small rod whole cinnamon Beef into strips Cumin seeds ...

The beef cut is cut into strips and browned on a pan in olive oil. Put the meat in a refractory dish and cook the pan with beef broth poured over the meat. The dish is covered with foil and set in the oven at 160 degrees C. alm. Oven for 1 hour. Then

Mains (semi) dry white wine Water Apple ...

Let the sauerkraut dripping into a sieve. Arrow slipped and cut it in the ring. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut it in both. Heat the duck in a large saucepan and chop loose and apple it. Bring peppercorns and juniper berries in the pan together with

Mains Steamed peas or haricotsverts as well as oven-fried root vegetables afkålrabi Half the pears with lingonberry Potatoes ...

The marinade is stirred together, the onions and carrots are chopped in a rough way. They are marinated for about 24 hours in the refrigerator. Bacon finely sliced ​​and shaken in a pan, set aside. Bake dry and brown in margarine in a hot frying pan in t

Mains Suit Red currant jelly Broth ...

The wildlife ridge, which has to be carved in the same way as animal shelter and carefully cleaned, is laid in the marinade for a day or two. Then take it up, wipe it lightly, spice the spices into the sword here and there and spread the butter in thin slic