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Recipes with Banana

Drinks (cold) Large tablespoons. vanilla ice cream Caramel sauce Banana ...

Milk and ice are put in a blender. Cut the banana into small pieces into the blender. Add the caramel sauce until you think it is fine. Blend until there are no lumps.

Drinks (cold) Mixed juice Apple Banana ...

- pour approx. 2/3 of the strawberries in a blender. Add juice as needed and blend. - Peel bananas and apple. Cut out the apple, discard the kernel and pour it all in the blender, blend. - Pour the rest of the strawberries in, blend. - Add any. More j

Desserts (cold) Other fruit aftertaste Banana Strawberry ...

Cut the melons in the middle, pour them and put them in silver paper and put them in the freezer a few hours before serving. The melon meat is frozen together with the cuts first. Cut out the fruits and put them in the hollowed melons used as a bowl. Add vani

Cakes in form Nutmeg, freshly grated Butter Eggs ...

The oven is preheated to 170 degrees C. Alm. oven. An approx. 23 x 13 cm French breadcrumbs are lubricated with butter and sprinkled with flour. Milk, baking soda, mashed potatoes and ½ teaspoon salt are sifted into a bowl of bowl. Butter and sugar are whi

Candy Liquid honey Juice of 1 lemon Banana ...

Come freaks without stalk and banana without peeling in a food processor, and blend with lemon juice and honey. Come about 75 g of coconut flour and mix again to a solid mass (consistency adjusted with coconut flour). The mass is trickled into the rest of the

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Seeds from the pomegranates Pomegranate seeds ...

Kermer from pomegranate mixes with the banana cut into cubes. Lemon juice and Grand Marnier are added. The mixture is refrigerated for serving. The ice is stirred soft and the filling is brought in. The hot (previously made) pancakes are folded over the mid

Drinks (cold) Orange yogurt Banana Frozen berries (e.g. blueberries, hinbær, jorbær) ...

You must mix all of them at once, and that's just what order. If it does not want to blend, put more yoghurt in. When it's all blended, you have a sweet Sweet Dreams smoothie.

Sides Apple juice Banana Frozen strawberries ...

Pour it all in aperture and wipe! tips: Remember: the strawberries must be thawed before you lay them in! It may risk to whistle the aperture