Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bacon, sliced

Mains Pepper Salt Corn flour cornstarch ...

First you clean the loin for membranes and cuts it into 2-3 cm slices. So Tanner you them in the pan with the butter and meat comes in a pot, when it is done. Cut the bacon into slices, and fry the slices in the pan until they are lightly toasted. Then add

Mains Roughly chopped parsley Soy sauce for brushing Freshly ground pepper ...

Put the breadcrumbs soaked in milk for about 10 min and stir the chopped meat with salt, pepper and onion. Add the soaked bread crumbs a little at a time and let rest a bit. forcemeat Form 12 small patties that are wrapped with a strip of bacon and put in a sm

Mains Lemon juice White wine Meljævning ...

Breadcrumbs, water, salt and pepper stirred together. Stands and draws approximately 10 minutes. Now mix the minced meat in and stir it well with the egg. Form forcemeat for 8 buns, pressing a little flat and ombindes with bacon slices, fixed with a stick.

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

You start with cutting peberfrugten in small cubes and work them into the beef. The form then 4 steaks, which are seasoned with salt and pepper. Then you put bacon slices around the steaks (hold them possibly stuck with a toothpick of wood). Put steaks i

Mains Olive oil Pork Tenderloin, trimmed Watercress ...

Cut the bimørbraden of. Coat Tenderloin of sinew and membranes and season with salt, pepper and thyme. Wrap the bacon slices around the loin. Grill the 30-40 minutes. Turn it several times. Take the Tenderloin of the grill and let it pull about 5 minutes

Mains Lemon juice thereof Ripe avocado Red kidney beans ...

Dry chicken breasts and brush each breast with 1 tsp. pesto. Wrap the bacon for chicken breasts and holiday with toothpick. Grilled for about 6 minutes on each side. Salad with kidney beans and avocado: Tear lettuce into small pieces and chop the onion fin

Sides Pepper Salt Finely chopped oregano ...

Turn on the oven. Grate the chili under the grill until it is completely black. Let it rest uncovered for a few minutes. Arrow rødløget, cut it into slices. Brush it with olive oil and fry the løgskiverne tender under the grill for about 10 minutes. Flip them

Mains Bean Salad Olive mix u/stone Pane di matera from the bakery ...

Put the beans to soak overnight in cold water. Discard the water and cook them approximately 35 minutes in salted water. Pull the skin on chicken thighs back. Crush the juniper berries clean with a mortar and stir them together with olive oil, salt and pepp