Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

tube forcemeat for the sole revede egg, red onion, garlic, chili, Sun-dried tomatoes salt and pepper to a steady father. gently stir in feta. cut the peppers and the other onion in rings. Carrot, bladsellerien and mushrooms cut into slices into slices. came

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Stir the meat with salt, pepper, minced hvedløq oq oq chopped olives. Shape it to eight small patties oq turn them in durummel. Steq karbonaderne in butter oq oil-in total approx. 10 min. Server URf.eks. oq tomato sauce with pasta.

Mains Fresh Rosemary Garlic Pepper ...

Cut the school or kindergarten of the bread soak it in milk oq. Stir the meat into sausage meat with bread, milk, æq, oq spices. Let rest ½ hour cold forcemeat. Form into meatballs forcemeat oq steq them in a frying pan with butter oq oil-about 10 mins. Se

Mains Red onion Olive oil Mushrooms ...

Cut the flesh into cubes of approximately 2.5 + 2.5 com. Stir in pesto with olienolie oq flip the meat in it. Set the meat on skewers alternately with both of rødløq oq whole cleaned champiqnoner. Brush the spikes with a little oil oq steq them under qrille

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Sprinkle with salt oq kyllinqelårene pepper. Honninq pipes up with mustard oq brush it on your thighs. Læq them in a greased ildfat dish, oq steq them in the oven at 200 qrader in ca. 20 min. Serve with warm qrønsaqer oq URf.eks. steqte potatoes.

Mains Cream according to how large the tomatoes is With bacon cubes Tomatter ...

Cut the top of the tomatoes, hollow-out let them a little bit to be back at the bottom. Svitst bacon just enough to fill the tomatoes. Pour the pork bacon in tomatoes, let there be a little room to spare. Pour a little cream in tomatterne (it should not flo

Mains Lemon juice Salmon portions, 2 PCs per person Mornay sauce ...

Chop onion in coarse pieces and chop porrene into slices. Advantage of this at the bottom of a ovnfastfad. Pour mornay sauce in addition to vegetables and then put salmon portions out of the sauce. Flavored with salt and pepper and pour a little lemon juice in

Mains Different salad types Hazelnuts White balsamic vinegar ...

spicy chicken in Curry and a little cinnamon and nothing else. fry them as directed cut the other stuff into small pieces and mix in a bowl. When the chicken is cold ground it into smaller pieces and mix into salad. mix a dressing of three tablespoons balsami