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Mains recipes

Mains White pepper Salt Oregano ...

came his lasagna in boiling water with salt, and cook them for about 15 mins. then the drain in a sieve. over poured with cold water in order to avoid the sticking together. meat sauce: Saute onion and meat in butter add spices, tomato paste and broth, an

Mains Carrot Leek Celery ...

The fillets sprinkled with a little coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, then added a mixture of fintsnittede fintsnittede leek, celery and thyme, sprinkled over and gullerod to finish a few thin slices of butter. The fillets are moved onto a double piece

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Koteletterne seasoned with salt and pepper. Invert the first in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs. FRY on pan in butter or margarine 4-5 minutes on each side. Ratatouille: vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. Came the oil in the

Mains Bacon Pesto (green or red) Kyllingfileter ...

That added 2 teaspoons of pesto on the raw kyllingfileter. Bacon wrapped around with the ends down. Place in a heat-proof platter. Place in the oven on the Middle Groove on 175 gr. 45 min or until Nice gylne. Tips: Served with either whipped potatoes.

Mains Dressing (by choice) (user even garlic dresseing) Peper Pita bread ...

cut flank steak out in medium-sized cubes. Brown them in a pan together with margerine, kebab seasoning, salt and peper. Squeeze the garlic and put it down together with salt and peper. Stir it well to the meat is completely browned. Then fill the Pan halfway

Mains Black pepper Honey Powdered pine nuts ...

1. Prepare sirlion into 1 mm thick slices 2. mix the marinade ingredients well 3. Place the sirloin slices in a kitchen towel and draw out the blood. The marinate with the prepared mixture and make sure the slices are laid flat. The sesame seed oil will

Mains Jævning Green bell pepper Lemon pepper ...

Remove skins or nets. Cut lengthwise around the hamburger back, so that it eventually can be scrolled in one long piece, which is 1-2 cm thick. Butter Crunch thin with Dijon-mustard. Sprinkle with light hand (preferably fresh, minced) Rosemary and thyme an

Mains Apples Canned pineapple Pineapple juice ...

Turn on the oven at 200 c, and hot air. Wash and scrub the potatoes well. Cut the half, to 3-quart through, so there almost becomes slices that hangs together. Rub the salt and pepper on the "surface". Make a Bradpande ready, by letting the faucet run a bit on