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Mains recipes

Mains Leaf celery Lemon Sour cream ...

The salmon is cooked on the forehead, the boiled potatoes, dill, spring onion, celery, salt and pepper are mixed together. The potato salad is placed on a plate, whereupon you put the salmon on the potato salad and drip with the dressing. The citons are cut i

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Dried Rosemary ...

Pour the boiling water over the sun-dried tomatoes and let them pull for approx. 2min. Let the tomatoes drip into a sieve. Save 2 tbsp. Of the effluent. Chop the tomatoes well. Stir the chopped meat with salt for approx. 1 min. Come onion, garlic, rosemary

Mains Fennel Parsnip Parsley ...

Cut the vegetables out. Mix the marinade's ingredients together and pour the marinade over the vegetables. Bake at 200 degrees for 45-60 min. tips: A little soy over the vegetables gives extra taste. The dish will be extra delicious next to turkey fry

Mains Pepper Salt Squash ...

Smoked medists and vegetables are cut into slices. Put in a greased fireproof dish. Make sure that there is food to cover storage due to evaporation. Stir in the court along the way so the top layers do not burn. tips: The dish can be made cheap or you

Mains Onion Veal bouillon Brown Lamb u clavicle ...

Put the lamb chop down in the roast and add the red wine, like a strong one, put the rest in and add water and fond. The lamb must have 4 hours at 100 degrees C. alm. Oven, then 2 hours at 125 degrees C. alm. Oven and 1 hour at 150 degrees C. alm. Oven, the

Mains Pepper Salad Grated nutmeg ...

Whip raise and milk together. Add salt, nutmeg and pepper. Sprinkle half of the corn in an ovenproof dish and cover with lasagna plates. Distribute half of the spinach on the plates, then cottage cheese, one third of the tomato sauce and one third of the egg m

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

The potatoes are cut for 2 cm. Pieces and the asparagus for 5 cm. Pieces, remember to cut the bottom step of the piece. Put potatoes and so much water that they are covered, in a pan over high heat, and bring them to a boil. Turn down the flare, lay on and

Mains Chopped onions Chopped/skinned tomatoes Paprika ...

Put some margarine in a saucepan, pepper paprika 1 min. Add the hammer and brown it. Add onions and octail sausages and add for a few minutes. Blend the chopped / peeled tomatoes and cook in, cook for 30 minutes. Add the cream and boil for another 15 minutes.