Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Peper to taste as needed Salt to taste as needed Chilli ...

Put the rice in lightly salted water and boil until finished Beacon is roasted in a saucepan and set aside. Cut the sirloin in slices and deepen into flour and set aside The onions are cut into the tern and brune with the champing nuts. Among beaco

Mains Parsley, fresh Salt Wheat flour ...

Step the raw medists on the pan in butter, approx. 6 min on each side, turn off the heat and let it pull until serving. stowage: Boil the vegetables in well-sour water for about 10 minutes. Stir fat and flour together. Stir the butter bowl in the vegetab

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley root or parsnip, celery ...

Boil the peeled potatoes, along with the root crop you have chosen. (You can easily miss the root crop.) When there is about 10 min left of the cooking time, put broccoli down to the potatoes. When everything is hot, the water is poured. With a fork, roughl

Mains Bacon Cocktail sausages Milk ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Sweat sausages, bacon and ham on a forehead. Cook pasta screws as shown on the bag. Pumpkin in a refractory dish. Make mushroom suce as directed on the package. Pour it over the pasta and spread the grated cheese on top.

Mains Apples, diced Good with dried herbs Pepper ...

Cut the wings and bark the whole chicken and the other, there must be no leg in, save the legs to the sauce. Bone the body on the turkey, keep the legs in the wings and thighs, save the legs back to the sauce. Mix the acacia honey with the olive oil and well w

Mains Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Start with the avocados: halve avocados in two and far stones. Remove the meat with a spoon, slice it in thin slices and drizzle with lemon. Then knead the eggs in a bowl and mix them with a fork. The eggs should not foam. Add milk, a little salt and pepper

Mains Krydderurtemix from santa maria Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chop well, grate the potatoes roughly and squeeze the liquid out. Sweat the onions until they are ready, mix them in the cabbage with the spices. Pour a fair amount of fat on the forehead and squeeze half of the casserole onto the forehead, then pour t

Mains Pepper Bacon cubes Kyllingbryst ...

Cut the meat into smaller pieces. Brown bacontern, add meat and then onions. When finished, add the rest of the things. Water, cream, tomato sauce, chicken salad, cocktail sausages, mushrooms, peppers, salt and pepper. Let it all boil 15min approx. Seaso