Mains recipes
Give chestnuts a cut across the "stomach"-not too deep-and fry them on a dry iron pan to they start to open up and turn yellow in flesh, approximately 10-15 minutes. Season the duck roast inside and out with salt and pepper.
Fill it with prunes, chestnuts,
All ingredients in a large bowl, and mix the forcemeat. Meatballs are shaped with a large spoon and FRY on the forehead.
Meatballs are sharper in flavor than traditional Danish veal/pork meatballs. Omitted the parsley taste pretty much changed and in
The oven heats up to 200 degrees. The salmon is freed for skins and possibly legs. The bacon wrapped on the salmon and this is put in the oven for approximately 10-15 minutes. White wine cooked in for the 1/2 is back. Rødbeden moses and touched out in white wi
Warm water and stir the yeast into. Add salt and some of the flour. Knead in flour as much as it needs. Let dough raise in a bowl while you prepare the filling.
Chop the onion, Chili's and Chop fine. Stir the forcemeat with all the ingredients.
Roll the
Slice the Turkey meat into large diced onion and garlic cleaned and chopped the ginger finely cleaned and torn or cut into fine strips.
Heat the oil in a large pan, Brown the meat and take it out of the pan.
Onion, garlic and Ginger toasting to the onion
The fish is filleted.
Fund: fish bones and head FRY in butter. Water is added and brought to the boil. Lightly. Vegetables into smaller pieces, peppercorns and salt added. Spin together about 30 min. Pull 30 min and filtered through a cloth.
Clam ravioli
Makes a large heat-proof casserole dish or baking pan ready-the dish must "fores" with a piece of aluminum foil, which is twice as large as the dish. Lightly grease the foil with fat, like butter.
Then clean the fish, the White side cleansed extra well-and
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
- Breakfast & brunch 427
- Porridge & gruel 144
- Bread, buns & biscuits 1758
- Cold cuts 395
- Lunch 1051
- Lunch (to go) 146
- Sandwiches 50
- Mains 11918
- Salads 1562
- Dressing 302
- Sauces 617
- Sides 1951
- Soups 1352
- Drinks (cold) 1888
- Drinks (warm) 227
- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
- Cookies 917
- Cakes 1445
- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
- Snacks 73
- Midnight snacks 40
- Base recipes 234
- Buffets 95
- Candy 522
- Fruits 19
- Lamb 14
- Pickling 733
- Receptions 34
- Seasonal 3
- Sushi 6
- Various 328