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Mains recipes

Mains Black pepper Small handful of fresh thyme Great chicken approx. 2 kg. cut into 10 pieces ...

Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Advantage of chicken pieces, lemon, garlic cloves and thyme in a roasting pan. Add the oil and mix everything well. The chicken must lie with the skin side up. Pour the white wine over and sprinkle with pepper. Cover with tight-

Mains Pepper Salt Sunflower oil ...

Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Turn them in cornstarch. Grate the meat browned in very hot oil in a frying pan. Turn down the heat and let the meat Cook finished at low flame, ca. 3-5 minutes on each side. -It must be done. Grate the chunks of

Mains Pepper Salt Roquefort cheese ...

Cut the meat into cubes and grate it browned in butter. Came the cheese in and sprinkle flour over. Mix well around, pour broth over and bring to the boil while stirring. Put the lid on and let it cook low for 25 minutes. Rinse bean sprouts, mix them in the

Mains White pepper Some small fresh mint leaves Salt ...

Dry the meat thoroughly. Warm 2 tsp. butter with oil in a skillet and Brown the meat well on both sides for excessive heat for about 5 minutes then it sprinkled well with salt and pepper. Rinse 1 orange, dry it and grate 1 teaspoon. the Peal. Squeeze both o

Mains Lemon juice and must thereto Small bunch chives Lovage ...

Mix all ingredients for the marinade, lovage leaves should be cut coarsely. Put chicken breasts in this and mariner 4-5 hours. Grill then 10-15 minutes total, not too close to the glødelag or grill element (be sure that the chicken is done.) Server meat eg. Wi

Mains Chili con carne seasoning A little salt Fresh pasta ...

Mix about 3 tablespoons. water chili con carne spice into a bowl. Mariner chicken strips in chili con carne marinade. Put the water on to pasta with a teaspoon. salt in pasta in the boiling water. Put and cook a minute (or follow the instructions on the pac

Mains Oyster Mushrooms Apples Cider ...

Portion chicken breasts into 3 parts, and brown them in a frying pan, and joined them in a heat-proof platter. Cut apples into slices and remove the seed cell. Rinse the mushrooms, cut the stem off and picking them into suitable pieces. Onion peeled and cut

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Chicken sprinkled with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in oil in a sauté pan with lid. The chicken and the onion, garlic and Curry Sauté in the pan. Tomatoes chopped coarsely and place in the pan. Yoghurt, water and flour is stirred together for a with