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Mains recipes

Mains Paprika Salt Butter/oil for frying ...

The rabbit cut into appropriate pieces and seasoned with salt and paprika. The meat turned into the whipped egg mass and placed in a well-oiled baking dish. Sprinkle the meat with sesame seeds. Com small butter BLOBs over and set the dish in the oven at 200 de

Mains Pepper Salt Ground cloves ...

Make a spicy mix of: finely chopped onion, paprika, crushed garlic, salt, pepper and ground cloves. The dismembered rabbit reversed herein. Brown meat in hot butter/oil added a bit of paprika. Boiling milk/cream poured over the meat, and the remaining spice

Mains Butter/oil Rabbit á 1.2-1.5 kg Mild paprika ...

The carved rabbit pieces seasoned with salt and pepper, and Brown nicely in plenty of fat by good heat. Tag rabbit pieces, and FRY bacon dices up, finely chopped onion and sliced carrots. The flesh is reversed in this along with the spices, broth, tomato puree

Mains Parsley Red wine Rabbit á 1.2-1.5 kg ...

The rabbit is split into 6-8 pieces that Brown in hot oil. When the meat is nicely Brown, poured water on so it just covers. Got a little thyme and a few stalks of parsley and a little salt by. Let it småsnurre, covered, for 1 hour. Take the Pan from the he

Mains Pepper Salt (olive oil ...

Partér the rabbit into suitable pieces. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Brown the pieces of meat in a mixture of butter and oil in a frying pan. Sprinkle the flour over and let it Brown with white wine and Pour broth over.. The meat should just be covered. Add

Mains Herb bouquet (parsley, bay leaf, and thyme) Pepper Salt ...

Rabbits are bought peeled and set aside. Cut the head of and boxes it. slice the thighs and Forelegs of and share back in 4 parts across. The rabbit is now split into 8 pieces. Season Rabbit pieces with salt and pepper and butter them well into the dijon mu

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Start by putting the water over to pasta and cook it according to instructions on package. hot tuna in a pan and add the tomato and spices. five minutes before the pasta is done, pour cream into the sauce and stir fraice. heats well through and serve immediate

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Chopped tomato ...

Use a sharp knife, and part hummeren lengthwise. Remove stomach. Klørene crack with a hammer. Clean the fish and cut it into fit pieces. Scrub the mussels, and boxes of them that is not fresh or does not close it under cold water. Cleanse and share the fish