Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cakes Grand Marnier Sugar Whipped cream ...

Preheat the oven to 210 °. Load baking paper on a baking sheet. Bring butter and 2 dl water into a pan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and add all the flour. Put the pot back on the heat and until it forms a soft lump. Set aside and cool a little. Po...

Cakes Cayenne pepper Salt Unsalted butter ...

Cut the butter into the tern and put into a heavy pot with the water. Heat slowly until the butter melts and bring to a boil. Vip the flour quickly. Take the pot of heat and stir firmly with wood. As soon as the dough is smooth and begins to release the sides ...

Mains Oregano Salt Honey ...

Fold the turkey fillet so you can fold it together and close it with a chicken stew, or lace it with sewing thread.

Peppadew and green pepper are chopped well and distributed to the turkey. Squeeze the fat over the whole, sprinkle with oregano and salt and ...

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

The meat is browned in a saucepan on all sides, pouring water at half past the meat, the meat is small now about 1.5 - 2 hours until it is tender.

The meat may hold the pot "without fire" for about 30 minutes, so you can cook the vegetables right now.


Mains Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

With a stew and a sharp knife, a hole is made into the fillet. Basil and cheese are mixed and come into the hole. Close with a pinch and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Brown the meat on all sides in butter. Bring broth and lemon juice and let it spin under low...

Mains Soy sauce Cucumber Blue dragon tempura paneringsmix ...

The shrimp pills but let the tail be seated. The tempura mix is ​​cooked according to the instructions. The shrimp are drenched and turned into the dough. The shrimp are fried in turns until golden in a pot of oil. Picked up and drained on the kitchen roll. Th...

Mains Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper Coriander, ground ...

The oil is heated in a wok and the vegetables in thin strips are raised in it. Add curry and coriander.

Add the loose rice and prawns to the vegetables and warm thoroughly.

When the whole dish is very hot add the egg whites and egg whites. Keep turning t...

Mains Lemon in thin 10-12 both Tiger prawns Garlic butter ...

Slice the shrimps on 2 spoons in turn with the lemon boats. Distribute garlic butter on the shrimps. Place the spears on the grill for approx. 10 min to the skulls are red.

Served with warm flutes....