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Recipes with Yeast

Lunch Eggs Butter Milk ...

In a saucepan heat the milk until it is finger lunes. In other words, it must not be hotter than you can poke her little finger down into the milk without burning themselves. Pour the milk into a bowl and stir the yeast into the warm milk. Add flour, butter, e

Mains Basil, dried Oregano, dried Pepper ...

Dough: Knead together and elevates ½ hour. Rolled out and put it on the baking pan. Fill: This is stirred together and placed on the batter, shredded mozarella. Bake in Preheat oven at 235 degrees c. alm. oven for approx. 17 min.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Butter or margarine ...

It's all kneaded together. Kneaded smooth and resting for 20 minutes. Divided into buns and scrolls nicely round. Dip, if desired. in sesame seeds or poppy seeds is put on the plate with good spacing and rests for about 5 minutes. Printed flat and raised to tw

Breakfast & brunch Poppy seeds Eggs Salt ...

Stir in yeast and salt together in a bowl (so the yeast will be dissolved). Add the oil and cold water and finally the flour. Knead it all together (the dough should rid your fingers but would like to be damp). Form dough into 12 muffins and style them on a

Lunch Salt Whole milk Yeast ...

Luxury: the milk and the yeast dissolved in it together with lunes salted. Mix in the flour and the dough is kneaded. Style dough in a warm place to uplift 40-60 minutes depending on ambient temperature. Quick Standart Edition: 500 g. flour 1 sachet dry ye

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Salt Unboiled rice ...

The rice is cooked according to instructions on the packaging. The cooked rice, add 7 dl. cold water. When it has cooled to about 40 degrees, add yeast salt and honey. When the yeast has dissolved, add the other ingredients. Hold a little back for st view on w

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Salt Sugar ...

eggs, yeast, salt, sugar and baking soda mixed in a bowl. Then add water and flour at the same time and touch for about 5 min. Water and flour until the dough has a suitable thickness is adjusted. The dough raises in 20 min. Dough baked on the forehead. Tip

Lunch Tomato ketchup Water Ymer ...

Water and yeast stirred together, crumble the margarine into flour, water with yeast, ymer, 1æg, salt and onions added. Knead the dough well. Let the draw in 30 min. Dough into 2 and roll out into 2 circles each of which is split into 8 triangles. ½ TSP. ketch