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Recipes with White wine vinegar

Mains Flute Potatoes Pepper ...

The wiped breasts are shaken on a pan 1 12-14 min (the skin must be crisp) with the skin down Turn the meat side down for 6-7 minutes (adjust the time when the breasts must be fried. Tick them to see if there is blood) The breasts are taken up and put in pre

Mains Pepper Salt White wine vinegar ...

Make the celery able and tear it roughly. Bring approx. 1 l. Water in boil together with vinegar and salt. Bring the celery and let it boil. Pour it into a sieve and sprinkle it with cold water. Squeeze the water of celery. Bring it in a bowl and mix it with m

Salads Carrots White kålhoved Marinade ...

Cooleslaw dressing. 2.5 dl cremefraice + 2.dl mayonnaise, salmon and pepper + sugar at will tips: Cabbage cut well, carrots slightly rough, mix + put in a refrigerator. Marinade + cabbage and carrot glandes. Have to drag my 1 hour

Pickling EVS. a little potato flour Apple Cayenne pepper ...

Arrow and heel loosened. Put a saucepan over and cook in a saucepan of vinegar, sugar and salt and chopped onions. Rinse the rhubarb and cut into pieces a 1 cm. Peel the apple and cut it into cubes of 1x1 cm. Then bring rhubarb and apple pieces into the layers

Pickling Gran shots White wine vinegar Water ...

Vinegar, water and sugar dissolve. The examinations are poured in. Simmer for 10-15 min. Pour on atamon-washed glass and store in a refrigerator. Can stay in a refrigerator for 3 months. Served to all fried meat, where sour is usually served.

Salads Marinade Pepper Salt ...

The egg is cooked hard-boiled. Rinse the salad and dry it thoroughly. Spread it on a large dish or on 4 plates. Bacon cut into thin slices lengthwise and then across 4 mm. Wide strips. The oil is heated and the bacon is crisped before it is taken off

Mains Vindaloo past Turmeric Brown sugar/brown sugar ...

Vindaloo pasta: crushed spider's bowl, cardamom seeds, cinnamon, peppercorns, mustard grains and hedgehog seeds in a mortar or spice barrier. Mix this mixture with white wine vinegar, salt, chilli and sugar. Put it aside. Cut the bulbs in the rings and put t

Salads Finely grated to of 1 eco-lemon Ground pepper Salt ...

Stir the cold rice with oil, white wine vinegar, lemon peel, salt and pepper. Pour the tuna from the tuna and mix it with the rice. Cut the tomatoes into very small tern and turn them together with chopped and chopped dill. Season with salt and pepper