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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Sugar to taste Banana Sherry ...

Set husblasen to soak in cold water for 5 minutes. Stir the egg yolks well with approximately 2-4 tbsp. sugar to taste. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add 1 tbsp. sugar. Whip meringue foam. Set both in the fridge. Chop the nuts and chocolate coarsely. Shear

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Sugar Hazelnut kernels ...

Oranges peeled and cut 2 neat slices from for garnish. The rest of the oranges cut into small pieces. Husblasen soaked in cold water. Yoghurt stirred with sugar, vanilla sugar, Orange pieces and juice. Take husblasen out of the water, and melt it with the wate

Desserts (cold) Port wine Whipped cream Raspberry ...

Husblasen soak in cold water for approx. 5 min. Whip cream & sugar diocese. Chop nuts & chocolate into small pieces. Melt husblasen, add a little port wine, so it is not too hot. The rest of the wine place in cream foam. Pour gently husblasen, in a thi

Desserts (cold) Sherry Chopped chocolate Almonds ...

Beat the egg yolks well with sugar. Add the sherry, roughly chopped chocolate and peeled almonds. Melt the gelatine and stir it into the egg mixture. Whip cream and egg whites and turn it into egg mixture when it is about to congeal.

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice Whipped cream Wheat flour ...

Pæreren peeled and cut in half, stem and kærnehus are removed, the half-pears onto with lemon juice and place in an ovenproof dish with the curved side facing you. Butter, flour, sugar and cream in a saucepan and boil together for a few minutes. They slippe

Desserts (cold) Sifted powdered sugar Game boiling water Fresh red mint leaves ...

Beat the egg yolks and sugar for means strong speed to double size. Term the flour in and turn it gently into the mix. In another bowl beat the egg whites until they are very rigid. Whisk in sugar and whip until cool. Turn this into the dough. Fill the dough i

Desserts (cold) Cherry (small) Whipped cream Leaf gelatin ...

Eggs, egg and sugar, among other things, whipped to a white mass. The cream whipped stiff. Husblasen melted in, it must be hot. Cherry sauce into egg mixture, then invert it, the wine and the cherries in the cream. Fromagen should just be a little stiff. Poure

Desserts (patisserie) Use kogefri cream since it takes a long time to make real custard Egg yolk Baking soda ...

Alternative to homemade bottoms: 3 of craft the bakery's best chokolagkagebunde. If you want to bake the bottoms even: Skil yolks and whites. Stir egg yolks white with icing sugar. Smut tonsils in boiled water and chop them finely and add to the egg mixture