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Recipes with Whipped cream

Cakes Cake cream Cream puffs Flourmelis ...

Whip the cake cream with the amount of milk on the package. Boil raspberries with 2 tablespoons flour flour. Minimum 2 minutes and allow to cool. Whip the cream lightly and pour berries - whip again to evenly. Put 1 layer of cake on the baking tray, on top

Cakes in form Baking soda Vanilla sugar Whipped cream ...

DEJ: Whip egg whites stiff in a bowl. Melt the margerin in a saucepan. Whip the melted margerine with the sugar in another bowl. Sift flour and baking soda into the dough. Turn the egg whites around the dough. Butter a spring mold with margarine and pour

Cakes Together the beaten egg Grated lemon rind Vanilla rod ...

DARK: pour flour and flour in a bowl. Add the butter into small lumps and crush it with your hands until it has a sawdust-like consistency. Add lemon peel and egg and quickly collect the dough. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Roll the dou

Appetizers Small onions Mushroom Lemon juice ...

Chop chopped onions and mushrooms, chopped garlic. Add shrimps and allow heat for about 1 min. Add white wine and lemon juice, cream and simmer a little. Pour into dish (possibly ramekiner) and let cool off. Cover with good layers of grated cheese after taste.

Desserts (patisserie) Whipped cream Strawberry Whipped cake cream ...

It all whips together to a lot. Comes in a greased pie Bake at 200 degrees for 12 min. tips: When baked the cake is taken out of the oven. You pour the chocolate buttons on and back in the oven for 1 min to melt it. The cake is taken out and now you

Cakes Cardamom Salt Baking soda ...

Mix the dry ingredients the same in a bowl. Stir the egg and cream together with an electric pan in another bowl. Add the dry matter and whip the dough well through. Let the dough rest approx. 10 minutes while the cinnamon cream is made. Stir butter wit

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Cinnamon Butter for pan ...

Peel marcipan and cinnamon together into a steady amount. Then crumble the cinnamon cipan onto the hot and lubricated pan. Beware the marcipan does not burn, but still keep the high heat. Whip the cream to a light and foam. The cream must be firm but not th

Desserts (cold) Fresh frozen berries: el. red and white currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants o. s. v Salt Vaniliesukker ...

The egg whites are whipped to staple foam with the salt (remember the bowl and do not whip the grease). Then add the sugar slightly at a time while whipping and finally vinaigre and vanilla sugar. A refractory form that contains approx. 1.5 liters, lubricated