Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Canola oil for frying Rice or naanbrød Fennel seeds ...

Sweeten fennel seeds, cumin, almonds and cardamom on a warm forehead. Crush them in a mortar and mix with turmeric, cracked coriander and lemongrass. Heat oil in a saucepan and season the spices for one minute. Add meat and let it take color. Add the chopped

Sides Water Almonds, usmuttede Salt ...

1. Dissolve the salt in the boiling water and add the almonds. 2. Leave them for 15 minutes. 3. Let the almonds dripping into a sieve. 4. Spend them on a plate of baking paper and behind them approx. 20 minutes. At 150c tips: Make sure the almonds do no

Lunch Baking soda Green pumpkin seeds Oatmeal, finvalsede ...

1. The whole is stirred together with a spoon. 2. Put the dough between two pieces of baking paper. Roll it out with a cake roll until it fills the whole paper. 3. Remove the top piece of paper. 4. Cut the dough into squares with a knife. Behind 200 c for

Appetizers Pepper Salad Salt ...

1. chop onion garlic in small tern. 2. warm the oil and season the onion and garlic. 3. Add meat and turn to the changing color. 4. Remove the kernels from the chillipeber under running water. 5. Chop the chili pepper into small pieces of tern. Add chilli

Desserts (patisserie) Water Pasteurized egg whites (150 g) Dansukker ...

The marzipan cut into slices as desired and put on a baking sheet and baked in a 180 ° hot oven for 5-8 minutes. (Cool) Steam: 300 g sugar and 1 dl water boil and boil for 2 minutes. 150 g fits. Egg whites are lightly whipped and the sugar layer is added s

Candy Rod vanilla Water Leaves isinglass (34 g) ...

Put the house blisters soft in cold water. Bring water and sugar to a boil in a pan. Came the vanilla grains from the splattered vanilla bars in the water. Let it boil for 20 minutes. (To 110 degrees C.) Bring the house blast and stir until it is m

Desserts (cold) Freshly squeezed lemon juice Port wine or sherry Handful of almonds ...

Apple Compote: Peel the apples, cut them into coarse pieces and put them in a pan. Fold the vanilla pole and scrape the grains. Bring both in the pan with lemon juice, sugar and water. Boil the compote and let it boil for approx. 7-10 min. Take the pot off th

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

That's how you make Indian rice Season the meat with spices and sugar (2-3 teaspoons) Add the vegetables and let them sweat for a while add rice and then water Cook until the rice is finished Remember to stir in the dish while cooking otherwise burning t