Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla

Mains Salt Wheat flour Rye flour ...

Put eggs in a bowl and whip them well with an electric whip. Add half of the milk and add sugar to dissolve well. Bring salt and vanilla in. Bring bagpowder to the flour mixture. Add flour mixture alternately with the rest of the milk. The pancakes may

Cakes in form Baking soda Sugar (thick) apricot jam ...

Stir electricity. Whip the soft butter with the sugar and add the eggs one at a time. Mix flour, vanilla and baking powder and stir in. Fill the dough in a well-rounded 4-lined form (about 2 liters) or in a spring shape (24-26 cm in diameter). Half the appl

Cakes in form Apples Cinnamon sugar Milk or cream ...

Whip butter and sugar well together. Add the eggs 1 at a time and stir well. Mel + rest is moved easily and quickly in. Apples peeled and cut into slices. Put on the cake and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. The cake fits a spring shape - double serving for s

Drinks (cold) Vanilla Sugar Strawberry ...

Stir ice strawberry sugar well together it can be dazzled pour it into glass and server right away

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Salt Eggs ...

The dough is rolled into small balls. Put on (not too close) baking paper. Bake at the top of the oven. Bake time: about 7 min at 170 gr.

Cakes Salt Vanilla Cocoa ...

The ingredients in the cake are added as described in ingredients. The dough is thoroughly stirred and baked in a pan at 175 ºC for 40 minutes. The glaze is made by mixing the mentioned ingredients and applied to the cake after cooling.

Cakes in form Vanilla Wheat flour Marzipan ...

Apples are put in the dish, flour margarine, sugar, vanilla and marcipan mixed and crumbled. Sprinkle nuts over. Bake for about 30 minutes at 200c. tips: The portion fits a pie dish (it is not necessary to lubricate the mold) Serve warmly with creame fra

Pickling Per litre of juice Sweetener equivalent to 1 kg. sugar Vanilla ...

The apples are washed. Remove the stalk and the flower, cut the apples and cook more but not out. The boiled apples are hung up for dripping in a juice bag in a cool place for a day. The juice is measured and boiled 10-15 minutes until it is slightly pin