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Recipes with Sugar

Mains Canola oil Salt Sugar ...

Stir all of the ingredients for the dough together and let it raise for about 20 minutes. In between time, the sauce is stirred. Mix all ingredinser to the sauce, and season with salt. Cut the onions in half moon shaped rings and cut the ham into small c

Candy Pasteurized egg white Almonds Sugar ...

Chicken tonsils smut them and blend them well depending on how rough you want your marsipan, you can blend them more or less mix ½ kg of almonds, ½ kg sugar and 1 PCs pasuteuriseret æhhehivide for a simultaneous marzipan-dough

Cakes in form Sweetener answers to 100 g sugar Sugar Vanilliesukker or grains of vanilliestang ...

egg yolks and sweetener whipped foamy. softened margarine, beat in sifted flour and baking powder in., and oatmeal, milk and vanilliesukker Add. dough stirred together. the egg whites whipped stiff and invert gently in. dough distributed in a springform, lined

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Liberate the Chili's of cores and stem and chop them finely. Grate the cheese. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix eggs, buttermilk and melted fat and stir well. Add this liquid mass into the dry ingredients and stir until it is evenly. Stir in chilies a

Desserts (cold) Sugar Blackberries, fresh Blackcurrant, fresh ...

Cook the berries and sugar with ½ dl water in a few minutes. Cool and mash everything through a strainer.

Desserts (cold) Orange Lemon juice Lime ...

Blend the peeled Kiwis and mix them with sugar and the juice of citrus fruits. Instead of kiwi mango can be used or a handful of dried apricots are cooked until tender in water or orange juice.

Sides A few prunes (average) Cinnamon stick Raspberry vinaigre ...

Of pour three walnuts with boiling water and let them stand for 10 minutes, while the brine is boiling up. Lagen (schnapps-sherry-vanilla-cinnamon-vinaigre-honey-syrup-sugar-orange peel) cooked up in 5 minutes. Walnuts, almond splinter and raisins in sheeting

Salads Iceberg lettuce fintsnittet Sugar Red Onion minced ...

Fill A mix with marinade and pulls in approximately 3 hours. Then add the fill B.