Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Dressing Vinegar Ketchup Pepper ...

Garlic crushed and whipped all the ingredients together in a bowl. Poured on an empty dressingflaske and put in the fridge, where it can stand a whole month. (if it is allowed). A really good dressing for pasta salads.

Sides Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Magerine come in thick-bottomed saucepan/frying pan, onions peeled and skives/ternes and place in let simmer for about 10 minutes (do not turn brown). Vinegar, sugar and water in and boil up. Katoflerne cut in tern coarse pieces. came in and turn down and s

Cakes Eggs Liquid margarine (as becel e.g. not just melted) Bicarbonate of soda ...

All wet mix All dry mix The entire mix 200 degrees about 20 mins Tips: Be careful with that take up too much in the molds, they raise much, so it is not necessary.

Cold cuts Coarse salt Turkey Breast Nitrite salt ...

Cut the Turkey Breast into 3 equal pieces Bind string in for mounting Be in the brine for 2 days and then hanged for draining overnight Then, in the smoking oven and smoke in 2 days = 10-12 hours per 24-hour at max 20-25 degrees

Cold cuts Red wine Ground cloves Nitrite salt ...

Knead the mass well and add Packed which is cut into very small cubes the whole pressing should be approximately ½-1 hour Then filled it in natural or artificial intestines and stopped really well. Must then be placed in brine in a 24-3-4 The brine. 5 l. wa

Drinks (warm) Cream Vanilla sugar Cocoa ...

cocoa and sugar is stirred together in a pan boiling water is poured in while stirring switch on the hob and add the milk season to taste with cream Tips: whip the rest of the cream to foam and server to

Bread, buns & biscuits Milk or water Salt Fiber remember ...

The dough is stirred on the machine. The water to it's hand warmly and lunes pour into mixing bowl. Semi-skimmed milk and fiber remember add mixture. The mixture is stirred for 5 minutes then fiber remember gelerer. The eggs are added. Melsorterne, soft mar

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Cardamom Painted almonds or hazelnuts ...

Came white wheat flour, as well as painted, nuts in a large bowl. Chop the butter and it came down in the bowl. Rub the butter with the flour now so you end up with a consistency like bread crumbs. Now add the baking powder, vanilla, cardamom, salt, suga