Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Eggs Cocoa Kokusmel ...

- Stir everything together well. - Put the batter on a greased baking sheet, or baking paper, with 2 teaspoons, in small peaks. - baked at 175g. For 8-10 min. tips: THEY SHOULD SEE OUT WHEN THEY ARE BACK.

Cakes Cremfrech upset with vanilla sugar Cinnamon Butter BLOBs ...

Stir it all together with a stirrer and squeeze the mass into a greased pie. -The boat-cut apples are distributed in a pattern on the bottom. -dryse with sugar and cinnamon, and spread 4-6 butterballs on the cake. Baked at 200g. For 15-20 minutes unti

Mains A little water Olive oil Salt ...

• A-38 or yogurt, egg, wheat flour, olive oil, sugar and salt are turned together. • It should be a solid dough that can be rolled out. • If it is not possible, some water can be added to obtain the correct consistency • Roll the dough thinly to match the s

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Olive oil Sugar ...

Dissolve yeast in the milk. Add the rest of the ingredients. Flour some of the time and knead until the dough drops the table. Store cold until it is used.

Cakes in form Whole milk Butter Sugar ...

Bring the butter well with the sugar. The egg yolks are stirred in one at a time. Flour and baking soda are sifted and stirred alternately with milk. The dough is filled in a greased pan of bread. 23x33 cm. Forbidden approx. 15 minutes at 170 degrees Celsiu

Cakes in form Muffínsforme Vanilla pod Sugar ...

Whip the grated marcipan with egg, sugar, vanilla and maizena into a white thick mass. The blueberries are turned in and the dough is distributed in the lubricated molds. Bake v 220 gr for 12-14 min

Cakes Salt Vanilla sugar Eggs (beaten) ...

Sieve flour, baking soda, sugar and salt in a medium-sized bowl, make a recess in the middle. Add stuffed eggs and milk. The dough is whipped with whipping or hand mixes until there are no more lumps. Cover the dough with a film or lid and let it rest in the r

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Wheat flour ...

The yeast is stirred in the lukewarm water. The other ingredients are added. The dough raises for 45 minutes. Then mold into buns and raise for 30 more minutes. Brush with eggs. Bake at 225 ° C until they are light brown.