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Recipes with Sugar

Pickling Sugar Oranges Water ...

Peel the oranges, but avoid getting the white peel. Boil the shells in water until they are almost tender. Throw out the water and rinse the shells, cook them again for approx. 20 minutes, so the last bitters disappear. Boil and make 2 dl. Water and 1 kg. S

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lukewarm water ...

Dough: melt the butter in a bowl and mix the flour. Add the water gradually. Pour the dough into a ball and style it in the refrigerator 30min. Lay the dough into the molds, cover them with baking paper and chick peas. Bake for 15min at 200C. Let it cool a

Pickling Sugar Citrus fruits a little more if it is lime fruits Water ...

Peel the citrus fruit, but avoid getting the white peel. Boil the shells in water until they are almost tender. Throw out the water and rinse the shells, cook them again for approx. 20 minutes, so the last bitters disappear. Boil and make 2 dl. Water and 1

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Syrup, dark ...

All ingredients EXCEPT MEL and NATRON are whipped well evenly. Mel and Natron were served until it became one big solid dough. The dough is placed in the refrigerator for at least one day. The peanuts are baked for approx. 10 minutes at 200 degrees C. alm

Cookies Eggs (3 pieces by dobbelpotion) Bagebulver Vanilieessens ...

Whip soft margarine and sugar together, then put the egg in and whip it all together well. Bring flour, vanilla, essence, marcipan and baking soda and knead the dough well together on the kitchen table. Let the dough rest in the refrigerator approx. 15-20 mi

Cookies Baking soda Kardemommer Bicarbonate of soda ...

Becomes touched like a cake. Stir the margarine and sugar well together. Bring an egg at a time and stir well. Then the rest comes in and is stirred together. Scroll approx. 1/4 of the mass at a time and shape the clay with a slate, turn the cloths and put

Cookies Eggs Sugar Butter ...

Butter stirring well, add the rest. The basins are boiled in palmin. tips: Instead of milk, core milk can be used.

Cookies Cinnamon Top tbsp. carnations Light syrup ...

Butter, syrup and sugar are melted in a saucepan (do not boil!) Here are spices and almonds stirred. Mix well and when cooled, pour potash and flour. The dough is rolled to sausages and stored in a refrigerator. Cut into thin slices and baked 170-190 gr. Until