Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (cold) Spices Sugar Milk ...

Heat the milk to the boiling point, as well as 7 spoonful of fine corn flour. Stir well together and allow to cool. Then add eggs, raisins, butter, spice and sugar.

Salads Pepper Vinegar Cucumber ...

Cut the cucumber into thin slices. Put the cucumber slices in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and let them pull for approx. 20 min. Boil vinegar with sugar and pepper for five minutes. Let it cool Rinse the salt of the cucumber discs and press them out of wa

Sauces A nip salt Grated horseradish Sugar ...

Bring all ingredients into blender and drive to a smooth sauce. Taste and serve the sauce.

Cake add-ons Vinegar Water Sugar ...

Water, sugar and vinegar boil at low heat approx. ½ hour until a drop of syrup plunges glossy in cold water. Put the pot in boiling water while glazing to prevent the glaze from stiffening too quickly.

Appetizers Oil/butter Pepper Salt ...

If the spinal cord is not removed, first do this. It's easy to cut it off. The fillets are rinsed and diced dry, after which you season them with salt and pepper on the meat side. Fold them in the middle (crosswise), so it's only the skinside that turns out. T

Cake add-ons Whole milk Vanilla pod Sugar ...

Chop the chocolate well and place it in a bowl. Fold the vanilla lengthwise. Bring 5 dl. Milk and vanilla in a saucepan in a pan. Take it off the heat and let the milk pull. Remove the vanilla bar, scrape the grains and put it back into the pan. Stir the choco

Bread, buns & biscuits Whipped cream Salt Egg yolk ...

The yeast is crushed and stirred with ½ dl of the 35 degree warm cream. The sugar is added. Leave yeast mixture to stand for approx. 15 minutes until it hurts happily. Now add the rest of the cream leaned to 35 degrees, the battered egg, it melted butter, s

Sauces Salt Sugar Pepper ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Sauter (brush them tender) into the fat without brining. Add wine, cream and broth. Squeeze garlic sauce and mix with mustard and estragon, after which this is also added. Let the sauce simmer over excessiv