Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Sushi , round grain milled Rice or wine vinegar Salt ...

Buy some common porridge from the supermarket - they must be ready (if they are gray they are too old). Do not buy the expensive special sushi rice, it's a waste of money. Calculate a cup (approximately ¾ dl.) Per. person. Pour one cup of water into one cup of

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Eggs Salt ...

The yeast is wiped out with the lukewarm water. Eggs, salt, sugar and grahamsmel are added. Wheat flour is added as much as it can take. The soft butter is cut into small lumps and slung into the dough until it is smooth and smooth. Set to raise 30 min.

Sauces Salt according to taste Chopped fresh green coriander Garlic, minced ...

Pour onions, garlic, tomatoes and chili in a blender or food processor and purer card. Pureen must have a little lumps and not be too slippery. Season with sugar and salt. Heat the oil in a saucepan, pour the tomato mixture and cook with stirring at moderat

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Together the beaten egg for brushing Sugar ...

Yeast and hand warm milk are stirred together with salt, sugar and semi-melted margarine. Kvark, eggs and flour are added. The dough is kneaded until it is smooth and smooth. Set up to raise approx. 30 min. Peeled through and molded into buns. Repeated a

Mains Coarse black pepper Shoulder of pork or shank Finely chopped korianderrod (rahk pahk chii) ...

Boil the eggs until they are hard (about 10 minutes) and remove the shell Remove the worst grease from the meat and cut it into cubes of approx. 3 x 2 x 2 cm Crush the garlic and chop them roughly Chop the coriander root Heat the oil until it smokes Add

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Yeast ...

Stir yeast, sugar and 3 dl of lukewarm water and allow to stand for 10 minutes until shaking. Mix flour and salt in a large bowl. Gradually pour yeast mixture into the flour until you have a stiff dough. Eat it on a floured table for approx. 10 minutes until t

Mains A little rice wine or dry sherry Green bell pepper Onion ...

Both vegetables and hamburgers are cut into fine strips. The meat is turned into Maizena and golden in oil. The meat is taken and kept hot. Then vegetables are also roasted in hot oil, quite short, they must be crispy. Vinegar, rice wine and sugar are stirred

Mains EVS. 1 tsp thyme Pepper Salt ...

The bulbs are chopped roughly and swirled. Paprika, if any. Thyme, tomatoes with juice and broth are added and it all simmer at low heat for 10 minutes. Cream fry is whipped in the sauce, seasoned with salt and pepper. The Schnitzler was cooked on the foreh