Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Almond essence Vanilla sugar Baking soda ...

Stir in margarine and sugar soft. Eggs, vanilla sugar and almond essence is added. Mix color and milk, and got it in the dough. Mix flour and baking powder, and add at the end. The batter is poured into a large greased roasting pan. Bake at 200 degrees c

Cakes in form Wheat flour Almonds, usmuttede Dark chocolate 44% ...

The eggs are beaten with the sugar into a thick egg snaps. The chocolate melt together with the butter in a water bath. Pour into egg mixture together with coarsely chopped almonds. The flour mix lightly into the dough. Pour batter into a greased baki

Sides Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Whisk or shake the ingredients well together. Consider using a jævningryster. Tips: The marinade can be shaken in larger portions and kept in the bottle

Sides Pepper Water Vinegar ...

Whisk or shake the ingredients well together. Consider using a jævningryster. Tips: The marinade can be shaken in larger portions and kept in the bottle.

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Whisk marinade together and pour it over the cooked chicken or Turkey meat (breast), use it for a salad with fx. tomatoes and green salad leaves. Eat coarse flutes.

Sides Salt Pressed garlic Gutted green pepper cut into small pieces ...

marinade stir well and boil for 10 minutes, cooled and poured over the meat. Must pull at least 2 hours.

Drinks (cold) Elderflower juice Mint leaves Sugar ...

Mash the mint leaves in a glass and add rest of ingredients.