Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions

Mains White pepper, freshly ground Salt Usprøjtet lemon ...

Tofuen onto and crushing it. A piece of lemon peel chopped finely, and the lemon squeezed. Thyme rinse, dry, and hurled the leaves ribbes of stems. Garlic feddet pressed. Tofu, lemon zest, lemon juice, thyme and garlic mixed in. Courgetterne rinse, the e

Salads Salt Mixed bean sprouts Pepper ...

Pour the bean sprouts in a sieve and blame them in cold water. Let them drip. Cut the rodskiven of spring bulbs and remove the fade or bleed in the top. Rinse the onions and cut them crosswise into fine slices Rinse the tomatoes and cut them into narrow boats.

Mains Salt Thyme and Bay leaves as needed Rosemary ...

Animal back subordinated for tendons, fat and impurities. Tenderloin, as is the underside of the back, cut off and cooked for themselves. In the very back loosened the meat a little bit with a sharp knife, and pins in the side scraped too loose meat. Animal ba

Soups Freshly ground pepper Chinese soy sauce Salt ...

Chop pork, sejfilet and crayfish and mix to a father's. Ttilsæt minced bamboo shoots, shredded carrot and pressed garlic. Beat the eggs lightly and add it along with the flour and salt and pepper to taste. Forcemeat kneaded thoroughly. Forcemeat is shaped into

Mains Coriander. leaves. fresh Pepper Salt ...

The noodles are cooked according to instructions on the package. Pour them in a sieve and let them drip. Cut the chicken meat into thin strips. Rinse the spring onions and cut them into 4-5 cm. long, thin strips. Chop the ginger and garlic finely. The Chili

Mains Bread Cashew nuts Freshly ground pepper ...

Crack the chili and remove the cores. Chop the chilli, garlic and Lemongrass just fine. Peel and grate the ginger. Mix a marinade of oil and the juice of limefrugten. Add the chili, garlic, lemon grass and ginger. Season with a little salt and fresh pepper gua

Mains Fresh mint leaves Freshly ground pepper Rice ...

Cut mushrooms, scallions, carrot and cabbage fine. Sauté the mushrooms on a dry pan. Take the mushrooms of the forehead. Saute the scallions and carrot in oil. Add the cabbage and let simmer for the cabbage filling is declined together. Chop the bamboo shoots

Mains Fresh coriander leaves Fish sauce or 1 teaspoon. Salt Vandkastanier ...

Arrow and finely chop the garlic finely, cut the Chili's in fine rings, chop, and chop roughly 4 golsad of spring onions coarsely. The last 2 are halved and shared flower rosettes. Heat the oil in a wok and FRY quickly the meat for 2 minutes. Add the garlic