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Recipes with Spring onions

Salads A little salad Pepper Salt ...

Boil the couscous as directed on the bag Cut the meat into the tern and shake in 1 teaspoon of oil on the pan together with finely chopped onions. Mix it in and add shredded pepper and sun tomatoes into small pieces of sugar, corn and ears, preferably on a lar

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Pepper ...

Spring onions are rinsed, cleaned and placed in a refractory dish. Chopped thyme, acacia honey, balsamic, salt and pepper pour over the spring bulbs and bake in the oven at 180o for 20 minutes. The potatoes are rinsed and cut into very thin slices. Peel the

Mains Olive oil Coconut milk Onion ...

Start preparing the ingredients: The loop is cut into slices and the spring bulbs are cut obliquely for approx. 3 cm. pieces. The meat is cut into very thin strips. Heat the wok or frying pan, pour a little olive oil into. Add onions, spring onion, puree o

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

The spring bulbs are cleansed and cut into slanted pieces of approx. 2 cm. The spring bulbs are easily exchanged in the fat. Broth is added. The cauliflower is divided into small bouquets and come in. Sugar peas and minima are cut into slanted pieces of ap

Mains Lime juice Thai stir fry oil Finely grated lime ...

Scallops and shrimps are cut into smaller pieces. Spring onions are chopped well. The oil is heated on the forehead. Spring onion, ginger, lime shale and lime juice are raised 1 min. Sherry and fish spice sauce poured on. Scallops, shrimps and fish spices are

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The light sea fillets are rinsed and dipped dry. Place the fish in a greased dish with the skin side up, sprinkle some oil over and put the dish in the oven at 175 ° for 10-12 minutes. Then the skin can be easily removed and the candle is seasoned with salt an

Mains Oil Broth Fresh chili ...

Mix the bouillon with spring onions, chilli, vinegar (apple cider vinegar can also be used), soy, ginger and sugar. Stir the salmon fillets in wok or on the pan with half of the broth mixture. Take the fish up and keep it warm. Bring the rest of the mixture to

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Oil Pepper ...

The cod fillets are rinsed and dried dry. Place the fish in a greased dish with the skin side up, sprinkle some oil over and put the dish in the oven at 175 ° for 10-12 minutes. Then the skin can be easily removed and the cod is seasoned with salt and pepper.