Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red bell pepper

Salads Cantaloupemelon Honeydew melon Salt ...

Slice the melon flesh into cubes. Mix the melon with fintsnittet red bell pepper in a bowl. Chop the red onion and chili (without seeds and between the walls), and basil and toss it in the salad. Whip up a dressing together wine vinegar, lime juice, sugar and

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Salt Fresh thyme leaves ...

The mushrooms be cleaned if necessary. They Chop fine together with peppers, cream cheese and spices. The 4 sheets Filo is split in the middle. The 2 pieces to be laid over each other to a cross. The last plate Filo cut into four pieces that are placed in the

Pickling Garlic Green bell pepper Whole ginger ...

The cleaned fruits and the scalded, peeled onions chopped fine or be painted through a kødmaskine. Everything is mixed, pour over with vinegar, sugar, syrup and salt. Spices and Ginger are added by. The mass brought slowly to a boil and boil about 10 minutes.

Soups Chilli, crushed Oregano, dried Salt ...

Hokaidoen cut and remove the seeds with a spoon. Then a family hokaidoen with Peel and boil in water together with coarsely chopped celery, parsley and onion. When the vegetables are tender blended the soup and season with salt and chili pepper and oregano.

Soups Cayenne pepper Chilli, crushed Pepper ...

Onion chopped finely and FRY in a dry pan. When they bite a bit on the bottom, add water. When the water is cooked away Sauté beef forcemeat with. The chopped tomatoes, Baked beans, milk, garlic and diced peppers poured by the meat/onions. That season wit

Mains Red bell pepper Cocktail sausages ...

Cut a small bow on one end of each sausage. Cut a red pepper, so it looks like small nails. set a piece of nail pepper into there where you had cut a piece of sausage from. EAT ... ... If you dare!!

Appetizers Oil Finklippet dill Form franskbrød ...

Shrimp, mussels, peas and tuna drips of in a strainer. Apples and peppers cut into cubes the whole place in a bowl. Shake well and pour the dressing over the salad, place the salad cold for about 30 minutes. Cut the upper crust of bread and hollow-out the butt

Lunch Basil, fresh Iceberg, lettuce Pepper ...

Mash the avocado flesh coarsely with lime juice and stir it together with chopped tomatoes (Seedless), small cubes (a) bell peppers, finely chopped red onion and fresh chopped Basil. Season with salt and pepper. Toast the bread lightly and put it together w