Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red bell pepper

Appetizers Flutes Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice in salted water about 20 min and cool them. The prawns onto the ham, cut into strips. The apples and peeled and cut into cubes. Peberfrugten cut into cubes. Mix with rice and shrimp. To stir the mayonnaise dressing with sour cream and onions. Add

Mains Puff pastry Oil Pepper (like different kinds) ...

Turn the oven on 200 gr. Cut the bell peppers, red onions and garlic into cubes and put it in a bowl with bacon. Mix it together with the paprika, thyme, pepper and a little oil. Cut some deep grooves in kakunbrystet ca. for each 3. cm. Turkey Breast is ad

Mains Daikon Pepper Salt ...

Mix soy sauce, crushed garlic, grated ginger, spices, sugar and sesame seeds in a bowl. Used fresh chilli, it must be finely chopped. Add the finely grated lime zest and 1 tablespoon lime juice. Flip kotelleterne in marinade and style them in a refrigerator fo

Mains 1 dl. vegetable stock Bay leaf Oregano ...

Remember: Use dried beans, they must first soaked and cooked. Follow the instructions on the bag. Slice the mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and sausage into slices. Fry the bacon in a pan. Before the bacon is fried, add the sliced sausages, finished as FRY

Soups Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat and got it on a plate. In the same Pan fry in a little oil, the chopped onion, garlic and chilli (cleaned of seeds), carrots and bell peppers, diced. Came the spices in. Pour the broth, cream, tomato puree and chopped tomatoes in and let i

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cruiser koteletterne with salt-pepper--paprika. Brown them on the forehead. Got them in a heat-proof platter. Cut the vegetables and favor them over the koteletterne. Cream and peeled tomatoes spread over vegetables. Season if necessary. with more salt. FRY

Lunch Egg white for brushing Wheat flour to roll out Salt ...

Mix the soft margarine with flour, salt and baking soda. Add the Quark and knead the dough together and let the rest in a cool place for 1 hour. Inserts peberfrugten into cubes and mix it with ham and cheese. The dough rolled out to a square of approximatel

Mains Pepper Onion Salt ...

Cook rice as directed on package. Sauté the finely chopped onion in the oil/margarine until clear add the paprika and fry it a little with, add ground beef and mix for meat have shared it, salt and pepper are added along with broth, let it småsimre for 10 m