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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Pepper Salt ...

The top is rolled and lined with cotton yarn. In a pan melt honey, margarine, crushed juniper berries, garlic and pepper together and cool easily. Put the meat in a small pan and lubricate with the honey mixture. The meat is browned about 10 minutes at 225

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Let a large skillet be very hot and quickly flip the lamb chops once on the dry pan. Then take them off the forehead and let them cool off. Whip the eggs well with the oil and add salt and pepper. Rub the chilled chops on both sides with the pinned, halved

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Lightly chop the lamb chops with the crushed half-garlic sauce, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, brush with 1 tbsp. Oil and turn in the parmesan cheese. The eggs are whipped together, the chops are reversed first in the egg yolk and then into the rasp

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Remove the skin and excess fat from the kidneys and rinse them well. Put them in a bowl, pour them with the buttermilk and let them drain for 2-3 hours. Then they are picked up and dried thoroughly in kitchen paper. Heat the butter on a frying pan and rais

Mains Pepper Salt Plain yogurt ...

Cut the meat for 2-3 cm. Big cubes. Arrow went and chop it fine. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze them into a bowl. Pour oil, vinegar and wine over the garlic and mix well with onions, peppers and rosemary. Place the meat in this marinade and let it pull und

Sides Fintklippet dill Pepper Salt ...

50 g. Mayonnaise stir with 50 g of semi-solid mustard and season with salt and pepper. Pour lots of finely chopped dill, 1 teaspoon. Finely chopped fresh marijuana and 1 teaspoon. Finely chopped fresh esdragon.

Lunch Cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

500 g. Lamb mushrooms are seasoned with salt pepper and cayenne pepper. Brush well on a pan in 2 tablespoons. Oil together with 2 finely chopped garlic and 1 teaspoon. Chopped fresh rosemary needles. Once the meat is golden add 1 dl. Dry white wine and it all

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat quickly on a hot forehead, cool and cut a pocket. Cut the sausage into slices and store the can of the can. Fill the steaks with goose liver pudding and truffles and deep with truffle. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and style in the oven at 225 d