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Recipes with Pepper

Cold cuts Lemon balm Coarse salt Lime both ...

Spinach: Cut the roughest ribs of spinach leaves and blame them thoroughly. Sprinkle the spinach leaves in plenty of boiling lettuce water for about 1 min. Pour them into a sieve and press them free of water. Salmon: Remove any bones from the salmon fillet

Lunch Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

The tuna is taken out of the cans, mashed potatoes and mixed with mayonnaise. Season with onion, dill, lemon juice and salt and pepper. Husblas dissolve and stir in. Finally, stir the stewed cream. Come in a mold and stand cold for one hour. Decorate with red

Soups Peas Chili Lemon aftertaste ...

The tiger rears marinate in a little olive oil, coarse lemon and gingerbread ginger. Marinated like the day before. Step on the hedge pan in the dressing until they change color approx. 4 minutes. The finely chopped mustard cloves are sautéed tenderly in th

Soups Champagne (or sparkling wine) Pepper Salt ...

Pour the peas, if necessary. Frozen peas are thrown up. Give the peasants a trip in the blender. Bring the mixed peas into the pan, add broth, salt and pepper. Let it boil. When cooked, the soup is finished. Let the soup cool down to the next day. Whip the

Lunch Capers Pepper Horseradish, grated ...

Form a thin square steak a bit stiffer than the bread, pull the ends up above the meat. Stir on both sides on a pan in butter, first on the bread side. When the bread is golden turn the steak. 2 min on the bread side 3 min on the steak side

Soups Pepper Lemon juice Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into slices. The paws are cut into slices. Potatoes and pears are boiled in broth for approx. 15 minutes. The peas are boiled for 2 minutes. The soup is mixed in a food processor or blender, and then heated again. Pour the cr

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

All ingredients for the dough were joined together. The dough must have a soft consistency. The dough rests in a refrigerator for approx. 30 minutes. The carrots are peeled and cut into small terns. The pores are cleansed and cut into thin slices. The carro

Salads Pepper Salt Arugula Salad ...

Stir the peppers in the oven under the cover until the peel can be removed. Freeze the peppers for kernels and cut them into 1/2 cm thick strips. Marinate the peppers with oil, balsamic, salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic. Wash the earthquakes and cut if n