Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Paprika, edelsuss

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Step bacon on the pan then put it in a refractory dish. Cut the pears into slices and then wrap them on the forehead of the bacon dish. Pour the cream over the porridge on the forehead and let it boil and boil. Pour the cheese into the pan and stir it evenl

Mains Pepper Salt Becel liquid original ...

mashed potatoes: Peel potatoes, carrots and rosemary and cut into smaller pieces. Boil them tenderly in a pot of water without salt for approx. 25-30 min. Pour the water from the root crops and whip them to mash with whipped or electric whip. Season with s

Mains Allround spice Margarine Paprika, edelsuss ...

Brown the pork tenderloin on a forehead in a little bit of fat .. let it cool off. Cut it up long, not all the way through. Fill the piquant cheese and roll it into the butter dough. Close the butter dough close to the breadbar. Butter dough must be out of the

Mains Pepper Salt Caraway, seeds ...

Put meat and chopped onions in a deep pot of margarine until the meat and loaves are brown. Bowls, peppers, tomato sauce, salt and pepper are added and stir well. Then spoon water and the dishes simmer under low until the meat is almost tender approx. 40 mi

Mains Butter Bean sprouts Cocktail sausages ...

The brussels are cut into medallions and brine and then put in a dish. Mushrooms and green pepper are cut into slices and tern, and sautéed with cocktail sausages and bean sprouts. They are then poured over the medallions. Sauce: Onion and finely chopped b

Mains Parmesan cheese. Reef Pepper Water ...

The peppers are halved and the seedling removed. The parsley is stirred until it has a proper consistency and is filled in the peppers. Sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 30 min. Serve with either potatoes or rice

Mains Wheat flour Salt Tomato ketchup ...

set water and cook and came in a little salt, to boil the pasta. Melt the margarine in a saucepan. Came in to the flour lumps. Stir the milk into it so Nuggets are disappearing. Came good with ketchup in order to make a sort of "Ketchup sauce". Let it boil,

Dressing Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Sour cream or fromage frais and ketchup mix. Season with spices. Garlic and cayenne pepper can be omitted. Tips: The dressing may well look a little grainy in addition, if you use fromagefrais-but the opposite will be the less bold. The dressing is also re