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Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Juice of ½ lemon Salt ...

The onions are peeled, chopped well and mixed with creme fraichen. Garlic seed is peeled and pressed into the onion mixture. Rosemary, bowl and crushed bay leaf are stirred in the mixture, seasoned with salt and pepper. Put the lamb chops in a dish with high e

Mains Juice of ½ lemon Salt Dried Sage or 1 tablespoon. fresh chopped Sage leaves ...

Onion and garlic are peeled and chopped well. Peel peppers, grains and ribs are removed, and the peppers are cut into thin strips. Season the mushrooms, cut into thin slices and drizzle with lemon juice. The tomatoes are poured with boiling water, flattened an

Sides Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Peel the potatoes and grind them roughly. Chop well and mix with potatoes, eggs, flour, salt and pepper. Pour oil on a pan and spread the dough on the forehead in small biscuits. Stir the potato cakes golden and crisp on both sides. Let the potato cakes dra

Mains White pepper Salt Worcestershire sauce (English sauce) ...

The lid is peeled and chopped fine. The ham is cut into smaller pieces and chopped as nicely as possible. Onion and ham are mixed in a bowl of egg yolk and cream, stir well and season with salt, pepper and worcestershiresauce. A flat ovenproof dish is brush

Mains EVS. a little sugar White pepper Parsley ...

The onions are peeled and chopped well. 3 tablespoons. Butter melt in a saucepan and the onions are switched transparently. Pour the broth and let it boil for low heat for approx. 10 minutes until the bulbs are completely soft. Stir the flour into the cream

Mains Salt Black pepper Garlic ...

Onion and garlic sliced ​​and chopped well. The parsley is rinsed, dried and chopped roughly. Bacon cubes, onion, garlic, parsley and merian mix well. Cut the chops lightly with the handroot, sprinkle with salt and pepper and turn into flour. Excess flour i

Mains Iceberg lettuce, cut into strips A little pepper Onion ...

Mix the meat with chopped onions, oregano, salt, pepper, and form 4 steaks. Put on the frying pan and grill the steaks until they are cooked. Warm the pita bread. Distribute salad, tomato, spring onions in the pita bread and put the steak in.

Mains Pepper Salt Grape seed oil ...

Mackerel and onion peeled and cut into blocks. The top of the whole garlic is cut off, but the dry mustache is on. The lemons cut into thick slices. The vegetables are seasoned with salt and pepper before the brune with the lamb shake in a large pan or steamer