Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains 4 servings of mashed potatoes English sauce Pepper ...

Sauté the minced meat in a little of the fat's the vegetables and cut them finely the meat up and sauté the vegetables Take in the rest of the fat in the meat Mix with the tomatoes and the spices let it all småsnurre in ca. 10 min. Pour mixture in a greased ov

Buffets Rye flour, wholemeal Butter Onion ...

Wash the herring fillets well and let them drain. The herrings are changed in rye flour fried in butter in a frying pan, season with salt and pepper. When they are cooled in the marinade. Lagen cooked and cooled, pour over the warm. The onion cut into ri

Lunch Dijon mustard Dill tips Pepper ...

Wash the herring fillets well and let them drain. Fold sildefiletterne out with skin side down, butter with dijon mustard and sprinkle with green dill tips, or dried dill. Fold together and turn them into fillets rye flour. FRY in butter in a large frying p

Sides Pepper Salt Potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices, garlic and onions, and chop it very finely, if desired. blend it. Heel cream and whipping cream in a pan and turn on low plus, Add onion and garlic in and hold it while stirring. Add salt and pepper, and warm

Cold cuts Allspice Pepper Salt ...

Margarine is melted in a pan, Add flour (turns into a melbolle) then add milk (turns into a thick opbagning) Blubber, liver, herring and onion is run through a boneless meat mincer 4 times. and stir in opbagningen. Salt, pepper and allspice added with eggs and

Mains Pepper Salt Sage aftertaste ...

The meat is mixed with other ingredients and formed into patties 1 slice bacon and 1 slice of cheese placed on each steak and place in ildfastfad, the gravy is made separet and poured over steaks in dish for it almost covers, in the oven (hot air) 200 degrees

Mains Cayenne pepper Lemon juice Oil for frying-and something for the pasta ...

pasta set to boil. The onion cut into half-slices, mushrooms, sliced (half if they are large), carrots cut into sticks. The onion in the oil for shiny stejes, then add the mushrooms to the suitably fried. Add the carrots and fry a little, and then pour the cho

Mains Cayenne pepper Cream Paprika ...

pasta water be over, and the pasta is added when the water is boiling. onions and mushrooms cut in half slices and FRY in a little oil. broccoli pieces added and it all fry slightly. garlic ogkrydderierne in the aftertaste. cream is added, and the mixture boil