Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Salads Cucumber A little parsley finely chopped Pepper ...

Take a bowl. Got all the ' flydende'ì as well as the grated onion and Curry (not strong). Beat well together. Season to taste. Cut the potatoes into cubes, and the egg is just so. Flip it in the mass along with peas and corn. Cut thin slices of tomatoes

Mains Nutmeg Oil Salt ...

SPINACH/CHEESE-STUFFED The spinach dames tender. (if you are using frozen spinach, so it must be just tøes up) The spinach is stirred together with a pressed clove of garlic and together with hytteosten in a bowl. Emmenthaler rives and half is poured up in th

Mains Chili Chopped tomatoes Onion ...

Slice the tenderloin out for steaks, season them with salt + pepper and brown them on a hot sautepande. Pull them off and set aside. Slice the onion into small pieces and fry them in oil until they are lightly golden. Add the garlic and then the cleaned mu

Mains Dill, fresh Boil water Parsley, fresh ...

The meat is cut into large cubes placed in a saucepan, cover with water and brought to the boil and boil for a few minutes. The meat is taken up and rinsed well and water is poured away and rinse the pan. The meat is added back into the Pan along with a may, b

Mains Fresh coriander or Mint for garnish Curry Pepper ...

Cut each chicken breast into four parts. Heat the oil in a teflon Pan by even heat. Brown the chicken, stirring, tyres and style to the page. Arrow to sample and share them into quarters. Findel onion, curry paste, almonds and peanut butter in a food processo

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon, thereof ...

The potatoes cut into thin slices (1 mm) Onions chopped fine. Potatoes, onions, pressed garlic and finely chopped oregano reversed in a bowl with oil, salt and pepper. Put in a greased casserole dish inserted into the oven 45 minutes at 180 degrees c. alm. ove

Mains Wheat flour Onion Parsley ...

The Greenland halibut is sprinkled with salt and turned into flour. FRY on the forehead in well with butter in 2-3 minutes on each side until it is golden. Is it thick steaks so that they can be placed in a roasting pan with a bit of butter and FRY finished in

Mains Pepper Green bell pepper Salt ...

The onions peeled and chopped. The peppers cleaned and cut into small cubes. Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into slices. To sample steamed clear in the oil. Bell pepper and mushroom reversed in. Water, salt and pepper are added and the whole spin about 20 minut