Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Vinegar Onion Milk ...

Meatballs: The lid is torn out and the father is stirred together. Bring a pot of water and broth to the boil, screw on the lowest blush and put the balls with a teaspoon or dessert. When they reach the surface they are finished and taken up and put on a plat

Mains Pepper Cheese Oregano ...

Dough: Put 1 pack of yeast into 3 dl of lukewarm water. 2 teaspoon salt. 5 sps oil. 9 dl flour were kneaded together. Raises for about 15 min. Fleshy: 2 chopped onion sweets in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add 500 g of beef to 3 dl tomato sauce and 1 teaspoon of

Mains White pepper Salt Olivnolie ...

Spaghetti boils aldente. Onion and garlic chopped well and sautéed in oil on a pan. Add the white wine and let it boil a little. The sardines are prepared by removing any. Head, find spine and legs, and split into 3-4 pieces each. Turn on low flare and mix

Mains Oil for frying Pepper according to taste Cayenne pepper ...

Put the chickpeas in soft overnight. The water is poured off and the peas are chopped very fine, for example. In a minihakker. They must almost be a thick porridge. Then chop onions, parsley, garlic and spring onion very nicely and mix in chickpeas. The rest o

Mains Chopped parsley and sour cream Nutmeg Pepper ...

Preheat the chicken with water, boullion dice, porridge, a carrot, half a onion and a fat garlic. Bring salt and pepper. If you cook for a little hour, the other ingredients can be made ready by cutting them. Onion sliced, garlic chopped finely and mushroom

Soups Pepper Salt Liquid grøntsagsboullion ...

The lid is peeled and chopped roughly. The lid is switched in a pan in the oil. The pears are cleaned and sliced ​​and put into the pan. The squash is cut into the tern and put into the pan. The potatoes are cut into pieces and put into the pan. Add 1 lite

Mains Various spices Minced beef Garlic ...

Share the squash in 2 Pour the squash and put the farseen in. Put grated cheese on top. Squashne is done when the cheese is Golden / dark brown.

Mains Calculate 1 dl raw rice for every pers Cold water Flåed tomatoes ...

Cut the chunk of the chicken Divide the chicken into 2 half pieces then in 4 pieces Remove most of the skin Bring the chicken into a pan and add water Bring a boil Peel the ginger and chop it well Pile white and chop well Add ginger, garlic, curry. Card