Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Cayenne pepper Olive oil Oregano thyme Basil mixture ...

Season the beef in a little olive oil and season with salt, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme and basil. Then cook onions and garlic, cut into coarse pieces with the meat. Season the cabbage, which is also cut into a little coarse pieces, hard in olive oil in

Soups Oil Salt Fintklippet chives ...

Onions, chives and garlic are chopped roughly. The chili is cut into small pieces. The potatoes are peeled and cut into large cubes. Onions, chives, garlic and chilli are spiced in a little oil. Potatoes and broth are added. The soup is cooked under low h

Mains Meat sauce Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Pour 6 dl milk into a pan together with whole pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 onion. Bring this slowly under boil on medium heat and simmer for 20 min. Meanwhile, the meat sauce can be cooked Put 1 whole onion together with grated carrots and

Mains EVS. 100 g button mushrooms EVS. suit Margarine for frying in ...

Chop loosely and cut the gold tooth in slices. The blackberry heads are finely chopped and cut into mundane pieces. Brown the margarine in a saucepan, add carrots and onions and let it boil a little. Add the sirloin pieces, salt and pepper and brown it all. T

Mains Fat Garlic Sugar ...

Put meat, chopped onions and carrot sticks into the fat Add tomato concentrate, water and spices Let it simmer for 1 hour Add potato boats Leave simmer for another hour Server possibly. With bread

Mains Spices to taste, URf.eks. Chili, garlic, paprika, oregano, thyme, Rosemary, or whatever you like Red or yellow pepper Eggs ...

Sprinkle small cabbage heads together. Take a sharp knife and cut through the stem and flip the bowl out of the cabbage head with a spoon, leaving about 3 leaves left in a shell of each half-cabbage head. Cut one half of the pickled cabbage into fine piece

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

First, coarse in the vegetables, to be fry in a little oil, enough to not dry. When the onions are shiny, add the liver which is roasted with vegetables for approx. 15 min. When the liver is well browned (grilled :-) adds to the red wine. Let the dish simme

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper Garlic ...

Sauter onion onions, chopped garlic and pumpkin in the tern in the butter in a saucepan. Add broth, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Let it simmer under cover for 20-30 minutes. Bring the milk in and blend it. Bring it back to the pan and warm the soup through.