Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains The siede sky from the roast Brown sugar Hare (røvskudt by lars from ødum) ...

The hair is thawed in whole milk for a day and rinsed and all obstacles removed and polished. Back and clubs cut from the rest can be used for funds There is a base of 6 pieces. Bacon and hare pieces are laid on top. Chopped juniper berries on top of the hai

Soups Freshly chopped parsley (amount of your choice) Delicious bread Pepper ...

Stir chicken fillets in the butter in a large pot for 10-15 min. Season the meat well with salt / pepper and preferably a little soya or English sauce. Cut / squeezed white garlic, and cut onions, carrots and celery in squares. When the meat is roasted add wat

Midnight snacks Black pepper Cap full of vinegar Shoulder of pork ...

Meat, pork and pork nuts, peppercorns, Laurel, thyme and salt come in a saucepan. Pour water over so it covers. Boil for 3 hours until the meat is very tender. Take the meat and let it cool. The soup is sown and boiled (including powders and piglets) - str

Soups Pepper Salt Carrot ...

Onions, carrot, red pepper, peppers are switched without coloring approx. 5 min do not know too high heat. Turn up the heat and the meat is added to the pan and stirring, leave it until the meat is switched. Tomatoes are poured together with cumin, salt and

Mains Fresh bread Fresh Sage Pepper ...

Meat, bacon, apples and onions are cut roughly and thrown in a pot of cranberries, sage and beer. Allow it to boil, turn down the flask and simmer under the lid for 6-7 hours until the meat "thins" Everything is well-rounded and served with delicious bread.

Soups Basil Pepper Salt ...

Sweat onion in fat. Add grated carrot and potato. Then milk / cream. Add spices + boulion Boil for 10 min. + 5 min extra with cream cheese in. (As a main course, it may be served with meatballs i)

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Onions, carrots and pears are cut into thin slices. The cabbage is cut well. The meat must be in small tern. Brown a little margarine and burn curry of it. Add the onion and leeks and brown them. Brown the meat Add carrots. Add white cabbage gradually until

Cold cuts Grovkværnet 5-pepper mixture Wheat flour Whole milk ...

Make a Bechamelsovs by melting butter and stirring flour. Warm through until total. Gradually add whipped cream and milk and cook the sauce through each time you add liquid. Add all salt and pepper. Cool completely if you want to freeze the raw liver postage.