Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Coarse-fried onions are sautéed in the oil. Squash and fennel in small tern, as well as potatoes in thin slices are added and browned easily. Broth is added and it boils under low for 15 min. Blend and season with cream fraiche, white wine, salt and pepper.

Sides Wheat flour Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Tear the squash into the food processor. Place the pulp in a clean cloth and turn the pads out of the squash mass. If you have a lot of squash, turn once more and use a squash extra. There is incredibly so much water that can be in a squash. When the pressu

Mains Safranris Oil Turmeric ...

Put sabzi gormeh in soft water 2 hours before. Chop the onions well and season them in the oil until golden. Bring the meat and brown it with high heat. Add salt and turmeric. Turn down the heat and add the soaked sabzi gormeh with 4-5 dl of water. Add the whi

Mains Mozarellaost Pepper Salt ...

The pancake dough is stirred together and rests for 1/2 hour. Spinach, cream and nutmeg are put over and simmer as quietly. The mushrooms are chopped and browned in butter until they are brown and dry. Then they are added to the spinach. The Parmasan nut is ad

Mains Eggs Wheat flour Salt ...

Meat, egg, flour and spices are stirred with water for a nice father. The onions are chopped, the peeled apples are cut into cubes. Put in a greased oven dish (1 l) a layer of dad, a layer of onion and chopped apple, the last layer is daddy. Cover wit

Sides Flûtes Green Salad Pepper ...

The aubergines are flaked along and sprinkled with salt. Pulling approx. 1/2 hour. Rinse and cook 5-7 min. In leachate water. The shells are hollowed out, leaving 1 cm of meat left. The shells are placed in a greased oven dish. The meat is chopped with a

Mains Dijon mustard Wholemeal bread Celery ...

Divide the cabbage into four pieces and cut it across into fine strips, blanch it in boiling water, drain the water, let the cabbage drip into a sieve. Melt sugar in a large pot and let it caramelize, add the butter and put the cabbage into the pan and turn

Mains Pita bread Salt Flakes of cayenne pepper ...

Cut the meat into 8-10 pieces approx. 4x4 cm. And chop the onions nicely. Mix all the ingredients except tomatoes and parsley in a bowl and leave it in mine. 20 minutes, preferably overnight Prepare the grill Put the meat on the greased griddle to the