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Recipes with Olive oil

Soups Soup horn Tomato puree Milk or cream ...

Put the pasta over. (For yourself in the saucepan) Add olive oil to a pan, add the sliced ​​onion, tomato, oregano and garlic to boiling for 10 minutes. Then blend it all and add tomato pure and ketchup. Then it comes back to the saucepan with soup and you

Mains White wine Wheat flour Olive oil ...

tips: Trim the chicken meat to grease and cut the meat into thin strips. Heat oil and butter in a thick frying pan, add the chicken meat and simmer for moderate heat for 3 minutes or until it is browned. Add bacon, garlic and mushrooms and let it boil for 2 m

Soups Fine sea salt Freshly ground black pepper Parsley ...

In a large pot, warm oil over medium heat. Sauté onion, 5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger, stir, 5 minutes. Add beetroot and 2 dl broth, bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer until the beets are tender, 20 minutes. Purify the soup and add the rema

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Put the ham around the breastplate and put in an ovenproof dish. Mix tomatoes, onions, thyme, oil, balsamic, salt and pepper. Place the mixture in another ovenproof dish, oven step both v. 200 * for 30-35 min. Cook the pasta, turn it in the light tomato salad

Cold cuts Chili Pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are boiled until they are tender. The remaining ingredients blend together with the vegetables in a blender. The egg yolk is lubricated with olive oil, the dough is poured in and Sprinkle with rasp on top. Bake at 170-180 ° C for approx. 4

Cold cuts Atamon Chili after taste Pepper ...

Beetroot, potatoes and horseradish blend until the cream is creamy. Then add olive oil, salt, pepper and possibly. chili. Blend until all is mixed. Add if necessary. Atamon (1-2 capsule) to increase shelf life. tips: Good butter sandwich for rye bread.

Mains Pepper Salt Ground coriander ...

Here's how to do: 1. Heat the oven up to 200 degrees. Soy4you soaked in the mixture of 1 liter of boiling water and broth dice. Set aside for 3-5 minutes. Then quench the remaining water. 2. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Add Soy4you, chopped garlic, coriander

Lunch Olive oil Good tbsp. mustard Feta or white mosarella-minced ...

Eggs are whipped with flour, cheese, milk (or yogurt and water) salt and pepper. Fill in and mix well. Pour into a greased pie (about 26 cm in diameter). Bake for approx. 1 hour at 180 degrees hot air oven.