Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

The meat is mixed with spices and formed into 4 rolls. Twist the bacon on. Brown rollers in the oil and fry them for about 20 min. Cook the pan of broth, add the bay leaf and tumatpure and smooth with maizenamel there is udrørt in a little cold water. Season w

Mains Marizena to jævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

Forcemeat is stirred with egg, onion, salt and pepper, and garlic and Add flour and a bit of water so it will have the consistency of Meatball sausage meat. Then FRY forcemeat as small meatballs in a deep sautepande in oil so they will be browned on both sides

Soups Pepper Celery Carrot ...

The water to the boil and dissolve the dice in this soup. The thin udskivede onion Sauté in butter and Add. The cleaned vegetables cut into strips or pulverized on the coarse side of the rive iron and add gradually. The minced meat is stirred with a fork and p

Soups Pepper Salt Celery ...

Melt the fat in a soup pot and saute the meat in it. Clean the celery and cabbage and cut it fine. Sauté it well into the pan. Add the mustard and crumbled bay leaf. Pour broth and soy, and season with salt and pepper. Let Cook about 10 min. 's pores and cut t

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix the flour well with salt, oil and water. Knead well. Roll the dough with rolling pin in round circles (like pizza) and lubricate it with oil on for front and back. The dough should rest approximately 15 min. Put a table cloth (you are not too sore over) on

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix ground beef well with rice. Add salt, pepper, Vegeta and a little water. Take one of the leaves of the way safely, fill it and scroll together. Close the way safely into the pages. Click here to see how, (slow/fast) connection. Heat a little oil in a pan a

Mains Salt Cube chicken bouillon Peeled tomatoes ...

Chop the onion finely and fry it in oil. They should not be Brown. Brown the meat on top and add the rest, except for rice. Let it simmer on a low heat. After 15 minutes, add rice and some gruel is finished to the rice are tender. Make the dressing while the s

Mains A good dollop of ketchup A good sprinkle all round spice Pepper ...

Tilberedninstid is ca. 10 -15 my. Set the desired amount of spaghetti to boiling. Brown the meat in a frying pan (add fat depending on the meat's own body fat percentage), add the ketchup, soy sauce, all round spice. Let the right frying done, for it is suc