Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Appetizers Taco spice Taco sauce Sour cream ...

1. Brown beef in a saucepan and mix taco krydderiet in, as it is described on the package. 2. load all nachoerne on a baking pan with baking paper. Make sure that a little lyft between each of them. 3. Put a small teaspoon. sour cream, a little sauce and a lit

Mains Large onion Cooking cream/ Minced beef ...

Turn on the oven, at approximately 180 degrees. Form the meat into/beefburgers. Fry them on the forehead, to the approximately half finished. Then, use løgende. Put steaks in a ovnfastfad, got the onions on top and pour cream over. Set the dish in the oven, an

Soups Basil Flute And like peeled tomatoes ...

The meat is Brown and buillon boils. Meanwhile, chop Cabbage and Pores are cleaned. It all brought together in a pan and Add seasonings. Buillon and Juice added at the end. It should cook for about 1 hour. Tips: Serve with baguette.

Mains Pepper Salt Small cup cremefraich ...

Put the minced meat in a bowl and add all ingredients. Knead the mass well and then form 4 patties. The steaks FRY in a little margerine. Bon appétit Tips: Server them if necessary with Hazel baked potatoes and bacon bean mix. Bacon bean mix (Saute a packa

Mains 4 servings of mashed potatoes English sauce Pepper ...

Sauté the minced meat in a little of the fat's the vegetables and cut them finely the meat up and sauté the vegetables Take in the rest of the fat in the meat Mix with the tomatoes and the spices let it all småsnurre in ca. 10 min. Pour mixture in a greased ov

Soups Cream Carrots Oil ...

Brown meat and onion in a little oil, must not Humpty Add paprika root vegetables chili sauce and tomato paste, let it simmer for 10 minutes. Add oksebullion, let it boil up and foam that. Let it småsimre again to the root vegetables are tender, about 20 minut

Mains Pepper Salt Sage aftertaste ...

The meat is mixed with other ingredients and formed into patties 1 slice bacon and 1 slice of cheese placed on each steak and place in ildfastfad, the gravy is made separet and poured over steaks in dish for it almost covers, in the oven (hot air) 200 degrees

Soups Pepper Salt Broth ...

Chop the onion and garlic, Brown the meat in oil and add the onion, paprika sprinkle the flour over and stir, add the broth, salt, pepper and cook 2 hours. cut the potatoes into cubes and put in the soup that boils wides in an hour to taste and stir cremfra